This is the reason to ban the crap. Because with this inane theory, the more the unsupported statement is repeated, the lie morphs into its own breed of truism. That’s the danger.
That was all over Twitter, followed by the next round of allegations that Trump staged the assassination, murdering two people in the fake PR move. That, too was and remains unsupported.
History tells us that Propaganda—dangerous propaganda—starts like this, too. There has to a workable middle ground.
The great strategic thinker Greg Copley believes Chins released the coronavirus to influence the 2020 election. He has sources inside the CCP. What do you know about how the world really works? If you don't believe in free speach you're an enemy of our democracy
I like your post. However, I am not one who reflexively hates the right. I am usually polite with people I disagree with EXCEPT when it comes to any post praising, defending or making excuses for Donald Trump. He is the most disgusting public figure, and worst president, I’ve come across in my decades of following politics. It is no excuse that one might agree with his policies. He’s an existential threat to this country, and he doesn’t even try to hide it. But, I’ve become so disgusted with TH and the negativity on the football site that I’ve cancelled my subscription, which I think takes effect in December. I’m also disgusted with myself about being so disgusted with myself and my aggressiveness toward the MAGA Cult. The previous post is Exhibit A.
LOL. The danger is people stating things, with no substantive proof, like China released a WORLDWIDE epidemic in order to decide who leads the United States—a country halfway around the world—for 4 years. The sheer stupidity of it alone should be enough to ban the post, but then there are those that propagate it, using some unknown name as “authority,” and the next thing you know you have people picking fights with Asians in the subway. It’s just reckless.
And yet the top grand strategist in the West who has sources inside the CCP thinks that's what happened. Why do you oppose free speech? Are you an authoritarian? Do you favor banning books too?
I admit it. I a, not a free speech absolutionist ( like @GATOR-lawyer). I think free speech has and should have basic restraints. Dangerous and unsupported speech— exactly like your post which has the impact of threatening the safety of Asian Americans, needs guardrails for protection. I oppose false speech. I oppose dangerous and inciting speech more. There is absolutely nothing credible about your claim that you have a source, that your source has any credibility, and that you didn’t just make the crap up out of thin air. There’s no room for that type of speech here, or anywhere. In my opinion. But, I’m not a monitor and have no say. So propagate away …
Gr3g Copley sells Intel to at least 130 countries. He co-founded the International Strategic Studdies Association in 1972. He has many Intel first. For example. In 1995 or 1996 he told Clinton's CIA director George Tenet that jets would fly into the World Trade Center. Why don't you call him up and talk to him? I have his number Why would someone like you with a lightweight's understanding of world affairs want to control what people much smarter and more knowledgeable than you talk about?
Based on my recollection of you posting I’d agree. You are not reflexively anti right. Trump does get ya going and I can see why. With some luck he will eventually go the way of the dodo bird. I just hope it’s from natural causes. The conspiracy nuts will never stop if it isn’t.
Noting the strong irony of complaining about quality of post degrading the forum, yet in a separate post wishing death upon a former president. That pretty much encapsulates it perfectly.
Not “wishing death” man. Wish he would go away. Eventually he will die he’s not 50. Sadly I fear until he’s gone it’s not gonna anything but partisan fighting. BTW my post isn’t some link to some social media site with some outrageous claim with no evidence. That’s the topic at hand.
You were clearly welcoming his death. The point was (to bring it back on topic) this place is a cesspool. Banning X threads isn't going to change that. As evidenced by your post, this place tends to bring out the worst in many of us. It's already bad enough that the football forum allows the Napier pumpers to antagonize lifelong fans and alumni for simply wanting a competent coach. There's a reason for the mass exodus of Republican posters from TH. Many of them stick with football.
Come on man, you’re really twisting yourself on this. Please show me where I said I wish he would die. I’ve said for almost 4 years I wish he would just go away. Sadly the full on MAGA gave us him again. I know many of those people. Men and Women alike. Some of them are totally lost and gobble up flat out garbage. Do I think it’s the end of Democracy if he wins? Nope, hell I’m accused as shilling for the guy still by some. As far as it being a cesspool that’s on the people that post FROM BOTH SIDES. It’s a message board and that lends itself to asshattery. I try to avoid getting in the mud with that crap. In the end aim here to hear other views, maybe learn something out of my own echo chamber and maybe impart some knowledge to others. Closing your eyes and ears is on you, take from this forum what you will that’s fully in your own control. Any jackass can post anything on X now and crap becomes fact so that why I think it’s okay to not lead a thread with some completely unverified post. If that’s how you want to start civil discussion you do you good luck with that.
For recruiting boards, a tweet is almost required for cred if you aren't a known insider. But I see the point of limiting tweetlaunches on Too Hot. We like the OP to put their own neck on the chopping block, not someone else's. This thread was a difficult read anyways. The OP didn't contain a tweet.