That’s cute. Let’s just say I treat most media, both expressly political and supposedly “legitimate,” with a very large grain of salt. Not from right-wing media saturation, but from having been close enough to a number of political or semi-political things that get reported on by the “legitimate media” to recognize how little resemblance what gets reported sometimes bears to what is actually happening.
I canceled my subscription to the WaPo. Sorry to the journalists. I actually gave Bezos credit in the past for buying an American Institution of WaPo and staying out of it. I thought it was somewhat of a charitable venture for him to support free speech. I am not interested in reading news approved by Bezos though. Sorry WaPo.
What a total shit show. That was BONKERS. Watched as much as I could this morning but Aaron does well with the highlights if you click through his twitter thread. Here is all 6 hours of the circus. What a shit show.
Bro tip/ pro tip. When you snuggle up with your stuffed unicorn for your Favorite episodes of housewives or greys anatomy and realize all the commercials are for massengill and urinary tract infections…’s because you aren’t the target audience. But hey. Be proud and you be you man.
No one should be the target audience for that. If you can watch that and walk away a proud American, you arent.
LOL. Swing and a miss. The LA Times staff tried to endorse Kamala. It was the Trump supporter billionaire owner who blocked it.
Ugh. I really feel bad for canceling mine. There are really good reporters who will suffer. Bezos wont give a shit - at least I dont think he will.
I paid $125/yr (i think) for my subscription so that is ~ $25 million in lost revenue so far. Trying to get my wife to stop shopping on Amazon at least till after the election. She says if so she’s going to hold out on me till then. We’re negotiating.
This is it. Amazon had a 10 billion dollar cloud computing contract when trump was president and trump threatened to cancel it if the paper kept being critical of him. Blue origins has a multibillion dollar contract also. Musk and bezos both do massive amounts of business with the government.
Yeah, I feel bad for cancelling my sub too. Additionally, this math is interesting. If they lose $25 million per year in subscription income, they'll claw some of that back in cost reductions. But no matter what, it will be peanuts compared to what the felon Trump could have done to Bezos' other businesses. I'm not sure what the answer is, but this is a real shitty calculus when it's exceedingly possible that Bezos actually knew this loss of subscribers might happen and decided that, from a financial perspective, he had to take this course anyways.
This is actually the reason the paper decided not to endorse. Daughter of L.A. Times Owner Says Endorsement Decision Stemmed From Harris Stance on Gaza War Apparently the owner of the LA Times decided to listen to his daughter.
I think the hope would be that Bezos realizes it’s a bad investment for him on several levels and sells it to someone who cares about what it’s supposed to be as a paper, not just another ego boost for him like blue origin.
I suspect a bunch (maybe most) of the subscribers are at a far, far lower rate than that. It’s been years since I’ve had an active WaPo subscription, but I think my current NYT digital-only subscription is on something like a $4/month promotional rate, and I don’t recall my WaPo subscription having been much more than that (plus the credit card cash back offer for spending at least $25 with them). Edit: somewhat ironically, I dropped my WaPo subscription for sort of the flip side of the same reason - I thought their political reporting was getting too tabloid-y.