Just to be clear: Republican punches election worker, because they're all like that. Democrat yells at child, because they're all like that. Damn, apparently we're all pretty awful.
Personally When both sides offer up lying scum garbage with no real plan or idea of how to lead.. this is what you get with the tribalism that has devoured our country.
Both sides, huh? LOL. Also; "FEMA is giving all their money to illegal immigrants. And they're eating the dogs."
You are so right Jo . The dems have offered up a straight shooter who is clean as a whistle and hasn’t lied at all. At some point you might try removing your head from KH ass so that you can see that national politics I. America are screwed … and yes your dear heart throb has a hand in making it that way.
I would add Trump is the only candidate who has actually urged his supporters to use violence against his opponents. Although I don't think he actually did so when Trump was campaigning in 2016 he even offered to pay the legal fees of his supporters charged with assaulting protesters. Trump: ‘Knock the Crap Out’ of Protesters, I'll Pay Legal Fees
It's cute for you to call KH my "heartthrob". And by cute I mean "sad". But hey, when you're shilling for a traitor, and trying to establish false equivalence, I guess you go with what you got. Let's get straight to the point though. KH may give the typical politician talk; flip-flops on policy issues, non-straight answers, etc. etc. etc. We've seen that our whole lives. But Trump is running a campaign based on telling outright racist lies to stoke racial grievance. Telling lies about eating dogs, which are disputed by local officials. Telling lies about FEMA giving money to illegal immigrants, which has impeded disaster relief, and nearly caused acts of violence. There's a stark difference between the statements of the two, even if you do choose to say that KH lies. If you can't see that, that's on you. But everyone else can, and when you attempt to assert a silly false equivalence, that just proves that you have extremely limited credibility. If any.
Hahaha Oh little princess.. I doubt you can find a post where I shill for trump. Can’t stand him and have mentioned that often. Hate both sides and find both sides to be terrible.. But hey, put your Libbie panties on and go ahead and claim your slimes is so much better. You are one of.. if not the .. biggest partisan shill on the board.
Texas man punched an election worker who told him to remove Trump hat at voting site, police say | AP News Here's the proper way to post a story The election worker, identified as a 69-year-old man, was treated at the scene Thursday and returned to his election post at a San Antonio library on Friday, officials said. The suspect was arrested on felony charges of assaulting an elderly person and could face additional charges, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar said. Under Texas law, wearing clothing for or against a candidate inside a polling place is prohibited, as it’s considered electioneering. Lutzenberger allegedly entered the polling location in a red “MAGA or TRUMP” baseball cap, according to an arrest affidavit. After being told he had to remove his cap in the voting area, Lutzenberger did and proceeded to cast a ballot, according to Salazar. He then put the cap back on before leaving, followed by the clerk again telling him remove the hat while inside the building. As the clerk escorted him out of the library, Lutzenberger allegedly threw an elbow or arm back toward the clerk and then turned to punch him in the face multiple times, according to Salazar.
Shocking viral video shows Kamala Harris supporter screaming in little girl’s face outside Houston rally with Beyoncé
"Princess". "Panties. " That's all you got? Sad. You demean yourself more than anyone could do to you. Cool point you're trying to make about how KH tells lies equivalent to Trump's racist and clownish nonsense about eating dogs and FEMA, though. And my "cool" I mean "laughable and degrading in a way that only you could do to yourself. "
Imagine being an adult man and punching a 79 year old woman because “politics.” Trump has broken these people.
I'm glad you were able to find the one Harris video out of the countless MAGA videos to support your theory. Although yelling is unacceptable I think you and I would agree that it is not a form of violence. As I said before, Maga is a violent group