Musk came to the US on a student visa to attend Stanford. Problem is, he dropped out of school in 1995 began working. As soon as he quit school, he was obligated to leave, but didn't. He apparently stayed here the better part of a year illegally. An investment firm even had to put a clause in a an investment agreement with him that money would be returned if he didn't resolve his illegal immigration status. Kind of interesting that he rails against illegals so often despite the fact that t-shirt fits both him and his brother. MSN
No it's not. I dated a girl from Brazil with the exact same situation. If you come here on a student visa you can't then quit being a student and start working. you have to get a work visa not a student visa. Otherwise, unless you are working on campus, you are here illegally.
You couldn't be bothered to read an article that posited something you don't care for? How very MAGA. That will result in you not taking in much new information, although that's very MAGA too... From the article: The report also confirms what Kimbal Musk said in a 2013 interview, when saying that he and his brother "were illegal immigrants" when their company landed the $3 million investment from Mohr. Elon didn't use that exact phrasing, but rather said that their status "was a grey area."
That is not how immigration law works. Your visa has a specific purpose. On a student visa, you are allowed to attend school but not allowed to work except in something like an internship. If you work, you have violated the terms of your visa and are now in the country illegally. If you leave school, you have 60 days to leave the country or you become an "illegal." He violated both of these conditions, making his status illegal. Also, if you violate the terms of your immigration at any point during the process, future steps can be legally reversed. See also Melania Trump, who had the same issue (she worked on a tourist visa). It should be noted that this makes those two "illegal immigrants" unlike most of the Haitians in Springfield Ohio that the Republican ticket call "illegals" but who are here legally and authorized to work. I wonder why the Republican ticket uses the word "illegal" to describe Haitian legal immigrants but doesn't use it for somebody like Elon or Melania Trump (who were both illegal immigrants at a point of time based on violations of the terms of their visa).
You or AzCat might be able to confirm for me, but I recall learning at some point that most “illegals” in this country are those that came here legally and overstayed their visas, and only a minority are those that entered illegally.
It wasn't me, but that is likely correct. From Pew: Key facts about the changing U.S. unauthorized immigrant population
Every single year more people come in legally and illegally overstay than those initially crossing illegally. Sounds like you’re perfectly good with that for some reason.
They've never said much of anything about this. Particularly their leader, who latched upon his wall and border crossings because : "They're not like you and me." Hmmm. I wonder what it exactly is that makes southern border crossers less like "you and me" than other illegal overstayers?
Although he came here legally once he dropped out of school he lost that legal status. He was just as illegal as a person who entered the country by illegally crossing the Southern border.
Maybe so but not near the same. The US knew he was here and where he was. He was vetted before he got here. Unlike the millions that the Dem's encourage to cross into the country illegally with no idea who they are or their background.
Yeah, they didn't know "where he was." He left school. That is where he was supposed to be. If they knew he was working and had dropped out of school, while not changing his Visa status, they would have initiated deportation proceedings.
Most people considered as illegals came here legally and overstayed their visas. Those who cross the border illegally are a minority of those who are here illegally.
That’s true. Numerous threads about poor souls coming here (under the same circumstances) and staying illegally for years. Starting families building businesses. Now that Musk has gone full Trump he’s the antichrist. Back when he was saving the planet with his EV and solar he was the darling of the left.
Not debating what you are saying but any links to show the real numbers? As some have noted a person coming with a visa has undergone some formal vetting process, so it’s a bit different than someone who sneaks in. Also what % are here illegally after sneaking in and the US doesn’t know it? If they don’t know they then aren’t gonna be counted in the data.
People who come in, request asylum, and then never show up for their hearing would have the same status as Musk. Legal first. Then things change, and then become undocumented. And nearly half of all undocumented overstay visas. It's around 47% of the undocumented population.