Arrogant s.o.b. Charged with a 3rd degree felony, out on $30,000 bond. Bexar County D.A. intends to absolutely prosecute. The 79-year old pollworker is okay.
It’s the law. Why don’t people know this? “Can you wear political clothing to vote in Texas? No. Texas law prohibits "electioneers for and against any candidate, measure, or political party." "Electioneering" is defined as including "the posting, use, or distribution of political signs or literature." This applies to voters, poll workers and loiterers during the voting period within 100 feet of a polling place. Under state law, it is illegal to wear shirts, hats, buttons or masks supporting a political candidate at polls. Voters who do not heed this rule will be asked to turn their shirts inside out and leave accessories in their vehicles. Those who refuse or resist can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor, resulting in a fine of up to $500. Voting in Texas 2024: What you can and can't wear to the polls
Wow, what a cogent and insightful off-topic response, Dipsy. Nice to know you support our stalwart pollworkers, who are performing a civic duty on behalf of us all. What have you done lately for the greater good?
I would assume the libs robbed, raped, and murdered as many as the cons. Why would one group be more prone? Dumb point is dumb.
Another Dipsy response. Local and state laws, in San Antonio, TX are what applies here. Neither Dem or Repub. Do you not care that a local law regarding polling places was broken, or are you concerned only if you can prove it's a Dem conspiracy? Sheesh.
That's rich coming from you. Besides, there is medical research proving that wearing a MAGA hat for two hours does as much brain damage as eating a Tide Pod.
I vote for legalization of marijuana. You got me. Are you throwing support towards legalized assault of elderly poll workers?
So, Bluke -- you agree that this Texas law was applied correctly and the MAGA hat-wearer was properly arrested and charged? Yes or No?
good post, thank you. our country needs to be ready for that type of violence on Election Day. “Arizona is one epicenter for threats against election officials propelled by years of Donald Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. Four years of baseless allegations of election fraud have created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among election officials from Atlanta to rural Washington state, Across the state, election workers have gone through active-shooter drills and learned to barricade themselves or wield fire hoses to repel armed mobs. At the ready are trauma kits containing tourniquets and bandages designed to pack chest wounds and stanch serious bleeding.”
As much as calling Trump a Nazi and Hitler caused the two assassination attempts. Pick your poison. I prefer to put responsibility on the ass-hat (pun intended) who doesn’t know the law then hits an elderly man to further prove his ignorance and lack of self control.
This isn't surprising. You have a group of people who believe that the rules don't apply to them and their leader, so they have an absolute meltdown and assume they're being persecuted whenever rules are enforced neutrally. "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Nah, we can't take credit for Republicans wanting to assassinate Trump.
Go back and read what I quoted in my post. That is on Trump and MAGA Nation. Even with the point you are trying to make, however, you are missing an important aspect. Trump and his minions flat out lied to you and the American people about the election being stolen, widespread voter fraud, misconduct by poll workers, Dominion voting machines, etc. Every last bit of it....lies. Unfortunately, MAGA Nation, being what they are, bought into it hook, line and sinker and totally innocent people have and will suffer due to those lies. On the other hand, calling Trump a Nazi and comparisons to Hitler are not so far fetched and are certainly not lies. Look no further than JD Vance for confirmation. Per the man who will be vice president of the United States of America if, God forbid, you get your way, Trump is "America's Hitler." Blame Vance for the assassination attempts.