95% chance this is from the Republican side of things since they’re the only ones ever caught doing it and they’ve openly talked about committing fraud out in the open. Not the gotcha moment you think it is.
Because the Republicans are the ones who are convinced everything is rigged against them all the time and the few cases of fraud that were caught were all from their side of things and were nowhere close to being enough to affect the last election. Those that project are the ones who are guilty.
In Pennsylvania four years ago (not the story but when the vote was cast). Man admits to voter fraud in casting dead mother’s ballot
But, but, but I heard it’s only Democrats who cast their votes using dead relatives, Rick told me so despite no evidence. Again, projection.
Reminds me of some of the members of the Cult of Donald who post memes and cartoons in the humor thread with pictures of cemeteries implying that the "residents" thereof are Democratic voters.
Yes - when people try to commit fraud in a stupid way by submitting fraudulent voter registration forms or votes themselves, they get caught because there are controls at both steps to ensure voters are registered properly and voting legally.
Why does it matter about..... .....implementing the purely political devices designed by a criminal organization, to suppress voting from both their political opponents and minorities, when that criminal organization is responsible for 95% of the scant true voter fraud in the first place? Get the heck out of here with that garbage, lol. Since when should criminals influence the voting laws of America? Especially when it's just so they can subvert the spirit of existing laws? Don't you have a Capitol Building to scout out assault demonstration plans for?
This is all due to govt regulations prohibiting the sale of raw milk. I guess they want the consumer to take the risk rather than have to process their product
This looks like it involved paid canvassers. There was a bunch of those 10-20 years ago where people were paid for each application. So they turned in forms for Donald Duck and stuff like that. I don’t recall hearing that they ever resulted in actual votes being cast.
If you keep screaming that it's so easy to submit fraudulent votes then some people are going to believe you. Except then they'll learn the reality that it's not easy and have a few years in jail to mull over how they got duped.
That was ACORN. The organization hired homeless people as canvassers who filed the fraudulent applications apparently because their compensation was linked to the number of applications filed. I remember Republicans and the right-wing media were using those applications as an example of voter fraud by Democrats although every phony application was discovered by the county registrars where they were filed and not a single one of those fictitious voters actually cast a vote.