Former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model says Trump groped her to show off for Jeffrey Epstein — CNN You can set your watch to it. He’s been running for President for basically 10 years and 10 days before the election….
Another "lying" woman. How many "lying" women does that make now? 20 or so "lying" women? Here is a list of the "lying" women who accused Trump of assaults that took out a page in the NYTs this week to have their "lies" heard. And here are their faces.
It won’t leave a dent. She should feel lucky Trump gave her the time of day. It was worth probably 100k today.
trump should sue this guy and the named people in the article. Slander, defamation, libel - unless, of course, its true. Wont matter to the cult. The other man… well, you’ll read his words. Both confirmed that Trump, as I’ve reported, used to host parties in suites at the Plaza Hotel when he owned it, where young women and girls were introduced to older, richer men. This is hardly aberrant behavior in the modeling business. Indeed, it is standard operating procedure. But both men also put Donald Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and underage girls, and rich, old men there to—pardon my language, but if the Times can say pussy on its front page, I can say this—fu Trump would “go from room to room,” said the photographer, who added that “I was there to party myself. It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquor” but no smoking. Trump didn’t approve of cigarettes.
The whole thing begets their own methodology. Some projection going on clearly. Because if you think Donald Trump is going to become a tyrannical dictator, then you don't believe in America or the Constitution. The founding fathers of this great nation purposely made it logistically impossible for that to happen with the separation of powers. Even if Donald Trump truly wanted to become a total autocrat more than anything else he's ever wanted in life, he would not be able to. Our system of government and separation of powers makes it impossible. So, her closing message is something horribly un-American, because her argument itself undermines our Constitution. Her closing message is something that is logistically impossible. Her closing message is a lie meant to mislead the American people. She's good with this, because she doesn't love America and is projecting her own ambitions with these stupid arguments.
Trump lost the popular vote by six million votes in 2016. The original Hitler wonders why his heir apparent left six million on the table.
Have never, and have been married to or dated several models (or former models), most recently and currently someone who is in the Tiffany's catalog. And I'm old, ugly, bald, functionally blind, not "New York" rich, and barely 5'10". Only guys who grab women's asses don't have any rizz, I'm living evidence you get a lot further just being normal-ish and having a little chill. normalizing this shit by saying "oh well everyone did it back then" is the reason there are a lot of traumatized women out there now.
Her revelation is completely irrelevant. Members of the Cult of the Donald have been ignoring the credible allegations against the defeated indicted former president for the last eight years and voters who think that Biden was entirely at fault for the inflation of 2021-22 even if they believe the allegations against Trump will vote for the Orange One anyway.
You’re probably spot-on about allegations like these targeting the left. Rosie O’Donnell was probably on the fence until this.
in the interest of both sides-ism, I probably knew more girls who would attend this sort of party than anyone else on this board (models, sex workers, etc., etc.) and this really isn't the norm, these girls aren't brain dead. I'd wager any girl who was at this party participating in whatever activities were going on was there completely voluntarily (Not saying they wouldn't necessarily have issues that led them to be there). Which makes me think the story is really much ado about nothing.
Never have. Except for the ones i was already very friendly with. Do you really think everyone does this? (Throwing stone at trump)