I saw that and it has 24 pictures on it not 44 and some aren’t cabinet members. I agree with the sentiment but I think accuracy is important.
The article below says 4 have endorsed him. While the number may be unclear, there are few on the campaign trail for hi.. Dozens served in Trump’s Cabinet. Four say he should be re-elected. Dozens served in Trump’s Cabinet. Four say he should be re-elected. Several of Trump's former Cabinet members are coy about whether they support his bid to return to the White House. Others outright oppose it.
Amazing how so many of them—all of them—were vetted and hired by Trump. I guess Trump is a warmonger. Or, we can use the flip side of your silly talking points to highlight—for all of these “warmongering” amongst the Trump-appointed cabinet—many of whom were there until the end of his term, there were no wars. Isn’t that one of Trump’s platforms? And so either you’re wrong about them being warmingerers, or you’re wrong about Trump being a man of peace.
You need to think more logically. Not sure that's possible. Yes Trump hired a lot of idiots as I expected him to do in 2016. That won't happen again
I would add that your definition of "idiots" are appointees willing to place allegiance to the Constitution and the rule of law above absolute loyalty and obedience to Donald Trump. Trump won't make that "mistake" a second time. If he is elected he will ensure that all of his appointees and advisors are absolute sycophants with unquestioning loyalty to the Dear Leader.
Trump is loyal to the US Constitution and Americans in gemeral. America First You and your team want to outsource US foreign policy to Israel, neocons, globalists and the Deep State. You want to flood our country with hundreds of millions of immigrants from the 3rd world. America Last I'll take Trump all day long
I'll make well into 6 figures when Trump wins. Betting on this election was easy money. You guys wouldn't listen. Maybe next time. Try to learn from your mistakes
Not going through a whole list but one example of his willingness to flaunt the Constitution is that he is the first defeated incumbent president in the roughly 230 year history of the Republic who refused to accede to the peaceful transfer of power.
I don’t bet. I’m not good at it. And I’m self-aware enough to know what I’m good at, and what I’m not good at.
Sir, I agree with you 100%. But as I see your argument with a poster I have banned, I have a wondering : why are you attempting to have an honest debate with someone willing to vote for an obvious un-American criminal, and one who sexually assaults women at that?
The answer is simple—I’m procrastinating writing a brief. Any excuse not to put pen to paper will suffice.
There was a peaceful transfer of power that took place imo. Deep State operatives and Team Donkey infiltrated patriot groups, informed on them and tried their best to instigate what happened on J6. Their chief regret is that there wasn't more violence. If they wanted things to go smoothly Democrats wouldn't have refused the national guard presence that Trump wanted. Didn't Democrat operatives cause riots when Trump was inaugurated? Do I have to once again post the video of 24 m8nutes of Democrats denying election results again? You gu6s have no shame. Keep bringing it though, you guys make me laugh
Not going to even try substantively addressing your post since I can't tell whether you're actually serious or not. I would add that while officials may have failed to request the presence of the National Guard prior to Trump's attempted insurrection officials from the Trump Administration repeatedly rejected calls for the Guard during the riot. Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots
The only reason I'm a good investor (it's not really gambling) is because I listen to people smarter than me. I tried to pass on info to you guys but no takers. My brother and best friend since I was 11 years old won't "bet" either. Too scared. I'm the opposite, high risk, high reward. If I go to zero I can take it After this election I won't have to take huge risks again, but I might. You ever see the movie Let It Ride?