I do love the "blame the right" when anything bad happens. The right does the same thing. Maybe let's wait and see before just throwing crap at the wall?
You said: "I think the leak came from someone on Kamala's team...." You "think", i.e., " I want to believe". You provided no link or any evidence at all for your assertion. As far as I can tell, its just another example of misinformation being peddled by hyper partisan shills that only serves to undermine our democracy. BTW to change the subject: - What do you think of Trump saying Hitler did some good things; and - John Kelly saying Trump is a fascist and a danger to our democracy.
What should the punishment be if it turns out it was traitorous Trump loyalist with a TS/SCI clearance whose intent was strictly to embarrass the Biden Admin right before the election? Then what should the punishment be if it turns out to be Jake Sullivan or someone acting on his orders, implicit or direct?
Who ever did it should be prosecuted. For the same reason that Trump should be in the slammer. We executed the Rosenbergs for less.
Someone suggested that we should saturate all levels of government with hard-working married and child-rearing Mormons until we get things figured out.
I'm very glad to hear it. We most certainly did execute the Rosenbergs. But it was not for less. And if you are suggesting that they were framed -- the popular narrative of the 70s and 80s -- then I would say you need to look into the evidence that came out after the end of the Cold War. They were absolutely guilty of everything they were convicted of. Klaus Fuchs only escaped the same fate because he was caught by the Brits instead of us.
Not suggesting they were framed at all. Not sure why you would think that. I am curious though, do you know exactly what Trump did and who he compromised?
I think she switched to Trump compromising the identities of a bunch of our spies that resulted in them being murdered.
I understand you struggle with projection, but one of Kamala's rats is most certainly responsible for this. I like to reserve judgment, but the facts are becoming ever more clear. Why did your gal do this?
Or how about: What would the punishment be if it turns out it was traitorous Trump loyalist with a TS/SCI clearance whose intent was strictly to embarrass the Biden Admin right before the election? Then what would the punishment be if it turns out to be Jake Sullivan or someone acting on his orders, implicit or direct?
I thought it was fairly clear. You are seemingly giving Trump a bit of a pass on his shenanigans. When a former DNI states publicly that Putin maybe blackmailing Trump I think it’s a cause for concern. Do you?
One rumor out there is that Trump met with Putin. Soon after Trump got a list of our spies. Soon after that, many of our spies went missing. https://thehill.com/policy/national...ng-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/ If true, there has been no worse traitor than Trump in US history.
Just as I thought: ZERO factual basis. To make such an accusation with ZERO evidence, while ignoring the mountains of evidence against your Cult Leader, ...... well that leaves me speechless and you blocked.
Yeah, you don’t know me very well if you think I’m the guy who’s going to defend Trump in a debate. If you’ve got criminal charges that you can make stick on Trump, go right ahead. But this debate is about who leaked the Israeli attack plans for Iran. I understand that would be more convenient for you if it was Trump or one of his people, but it just so happens the Biden Administration does not share that kind of intelligence with Trump or his people. The evidence we have today suggests this leak was from one of Biden’s people.
"I like to reserve judgement" I imagine you've had the whole board laughing this morning with that gem
Could well be, but you did ask why Swampbabe thinks what Trump did was worse than what the Rosenbergs did. Just filling in the blank for you.