You're not referring to this are you? Christian nationalist leaders are telling followers that Vice President Kamala Harris is under the influence of a “Jezebel spirit,” using a term with deeply racist and misogynistic roots that is setting off alarm bells for religious and political scholars. The concept is inspired by the biblical story of the evil Queen Jezebel, who persecuted prophets and was punished with a horrible death. The word “Jezebel” was used during slavery and throughout U.S. history to describe Black women, casting them as overtly sexual and untrustworthy. In the context of “Jezebel spirit,” the term has sinister connotations, suggesting the person is under the influence of demons in a spiritual battle between good and evil. People who have studied the Jan. 6 insurrection warn that similar rhetoric on spiritual warfare drove many to the U.S. Capitol that day.
Yes true, I just was focusing on the part that is very often misquoted as “evidence” against rich people.
Understood. From what I understand God hates all sin regardless of the “severity” that’s man’s way of trying to minimize sin. Ex I didn’t kill anyone so I’m better than the guy who did. Channeling Bowden here.
Under the tenants of christianity all sin is forgiven through Christ. We need only ask for redemption. Redemption doesn’t come from a priest or through acts. There isn’t some celestial ledger weighing our good vs our bad. If i’m not mistaken mortal sin was a creation of the catholic church.
An odd accusation to make considering Trump's own Chief of Staff just recently said that he (Trump) fits the definition of a fascist:
Just like with Trump. There's always multiple tweets or posts that show their true self, especially after they lie right to your face.
you have lots of bigotry toward Christianity. But then from your posts, you have lots of bigotry towards many different types of people.
That sounds awfully apostolic to me. I think most evangelicals whether they say the apostles creed or not reject that version of Christianity. Oops I forgot y’all don’t call it the apostles creed. You call it maybe the nicene creed maybe. It’s all hocus pocus.
But is voting for Donald Trump . Be honest, because it's obvious to the rest of us: you dislike anyone who dislikes Orange Daddy, and you hate who he says to hate.
Bigotry: "the fact of having and expressing strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life" Isn't this largely the basis of most posts on this board?
As in Nunya's business? Because based on your posts I'd assumed you were in the Harris camp. Hopefully you aren't one of those "not going to vote for either" types unless you are in a solid blue or red state.
You voted for a self-described Black Nazi who has stated he would favor repealing women’s right to vote. Interesting choice.
I just sent my 5 mail in ballots to NC from TX. I went to grad school in NC 35 years ago (in order to become an elite), so I figure I still have the right to vote there.