Agreed, and while I share many of the liberal principles shared on this board by WG, sadly age and study has convinced me that our species, cultural dimorphisims, and the plain old selfish greed of men in hoarding wealth and resources, leads me to agree more with CHFG8R's views of the reality of man's politic. As I just stated above about N and S Korea, new, albeit traditional battle lines have been drawn. The West vs East or Democracies vs Totalitarian ideologies, this time is raging on the Plaines of Ukraine. Just like in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan, and many smaller conflicts in between. In the sphere of religion, Judeo Christianity and Islam is spilling blood in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and perhaps Iran very soon. This conflict is much older, starting around 610 AD. How anyone that took basic History 101, and cannot see these things is beyond me. So while I wish WGs world of "Imagine" as sung by the great John Lennon would be true, well, it is not. I wish it was, I do. It took 600,000 American dead just to rid this country of Slavery, and that was not that long ago. It's a hard, cruel world, run by hard cruel men. It's a sad fact, but its US against THEM, and despite all the West's warts, and there are a plenty of them (too many), I'll take our ugliness over theirs, every day of the week and a month of Sundays. (BTW, I'm an atheist). Diatribe finished.
The door has been open for some time now. Russia obviously has more skin in the game. The answer isn't to match them tit for tat, though. It's to admit this quagmire isn't as important to us as it is to Russia and work out a deal. Putin figures if Washington wants to drag it out, he sends Un a few bitcoins and keeps 'er going, knowing full well the entire time Washington won't up the ante. Let's see here: #1 won't allow them to fire the ATACMS #2 no American boots #3 the enemy doesn't trust them with the Kursk blueprints #4 wraps emergency foreign military aid into immigration bills and whines when they don't pass #5 leaks Israeli strike plans Of course Putin is internationalizing it. Because he can. You might even say we are encouraging him. Can't recall if JFK ever called Khrushchev a murderous dictator, but he somehow worked out a deescalation. This admin? LOL, they are too busy lying to each other the figure out a plan for Russia.
Yeah, even if true that’s a beating around the bush non-answer and I’d go after him again if it were a deposition or trial.
How much air defense can they have left? Ukraine destroyed another advanced Russian air defense system On October 21st, soldiers from the Ukrainian Unmanned Systems Forces in cooperation with the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed a Buk-M3 air defense system. The assault was captured by an overhead drone and published online. Ukrainian troops spotted the 9A317M launcher vehicle of a Russian Buk-M3 air defense system 60 kilometers or roughly 37 miles behind the frontlines and promptly destroyed the system with a cheap bomber drone according to Miltiarnyi. “This example once again demonstrates the effectiveness of modern technologies: a munition costing only $500 destroyed a strike component of an enemy air defense system, which is estimated to cost about $100 million in full,” the Unmanned Systems Forces explained according to Militarnyi in a Telegram alongside a video of the incident.
putin holds a conference to convince others to not use the dollar or the euro and tells them to bring dollars and euros to pay for everything Putin's dollar problem is on clear display at the BRICS summit, starting with the moment guests land at the airport De-dollarization is one of Putin's priorities because trading in local currencies would mean that a heavily sanctioned Russia wouldn't be beholden to the Western US-dollar-dominated global financial order. But it's not easy to move away from the greenback. The organizers of the BRICS summit have advised foreign attendees to bring cash — specifically US dollars and euros — to the event in the Russian city of Kazan. Most Russian banks will only take US dollars or euros — which Moscow has deemed "toxic currencies" — to exchange for rubles, according to a guide on the summit's website. Going cashless isn't an option since it's not possible to use Mastercard or Visa cards issued outside Russia in the country. The two card issuers halted local operations days after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.
What imbeciles sometimes forget is that countries like England and the U.S., which once went through a period of colonialization and influence through unilateral military intervention, have given up those practices and allowed countries to convert to democracy. Some of these countries, like Singapore, have been unusually successful. Because countries like England and the U.S. no longer take advantage of other countries, they are very much qualified to criticize Russia for trying to overrun and colonize Ukraine. Only a moron would suggest otherwise.
Well, I wouldn’t go calling Singapore a “democracy.” There are better examples for the point you’re trying to make.
Russia has been bombing Ukrainian food aid headed for Palestine. Very humanitarian of the barbarians. Russia bombing Gaza food aid ships, British intelligence says
Ukraine uses drones to attack Russian distilleries in Tula and Tambov regions. It is believed that the distilleries were being used to make fuel and explosives for the Russian war effort. Ukraine's drone attacks find a new target: Russian alcohol
France will start delivering Mirage jets to Ukraine in the first half of next year. They will arrive with MICA missiles, SCALP-EG missiles, and rocket-assisted precision-guided bombs. French Mirage 2000s Destined For Ukraine Will Fly With Storm Shadow, MICA Missiles
Russia is starting to regret using North Korean troops in Ukraine already. It looks likely that South Korea, which is furious about the N.K. troops in Ukraine, will start sending a supply of weapons and ammunition directly to Ukraine. Russia's friendship with North Korea may have backfired
You can hardly blame them for not wanting to die for Joe Biden and his tinpot coke dwarf puppet Ukrainian Troops Increasingly Refusing Orders, Desertion Rates Explode | ZeroHedge