What are some other alternatives presented by Christians? I was raised catholic, so I am aware of the concept of purgatoy.
Sure ya could. If you wanted to lie. But if lying about someone else makes you feel better about the grotesque and unholy trash you will be voting for as President of the very United States......well, you're free to do so.
To EG's point, I dont think the Christians have figured this one out, except maybe the Mormons (just have your long dead relatives baptized without their consent) ... I think the Mormons even baptized Hitler and other baddies just in case.
Here is a link to a different interpretation from the same minister who wrote the voter guide: Hell...and How to Get There - Brian Zahnd "Jesus’s teaching on hell is basically this: if you refuse to love, you cannot enter the kingdom of God and will end up a lonely, tormented soul. If we take Jesus seriously as a teacher, we must never think the gospel is a means by which we can ignore God, scorn the suffering, mock the poor, and have everything turn out all right. If you want to know how to find hell, follow the path set by the rich man…you’ll get there." I personally do believe the way to God & Heaven is through Christ, but not necessarily how it's been described by others. I don't believe grace ends at the grave and I believe "hell" is essentially a self-created separation from God.
No, that's not who the rapist, felon, thief and serial liar is. And you know it. The rapist, felon, thief and serial liar is the guy that.....get this....I know it's hard to believe.....YOU will be voting to be President of the United States of America!! So don't try to speciously attribute his grotesque attributes to, well, anyone else. Just be proud of that vile adulterous rapist you'll be voting for. You are proud, aren't you?
I picked this one point out because it was the easiest one to address and I didn't want to bore you with a long theological post. The rest of your points aren't wrong per se, but they don't prove your that Jesus was a liberal. The actual quote is, found in three places in the gospels, I'm quoting from Matthew 19:24 "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” King David was "a man after God's own heart" kings are typically considered rich. I could list off dozens of other "rich" people in the Bible who are implied to be saved.
Love going to Nocturnal Pizza and the Crowne in Brasstown I wouldn't pay any attention to the douchebag comments from our local unhinged libbies. They're quite worried about Trump
What is so funny about this, is that you just voted for an actual facist who also happens to be a man-whore, pedophile, rapist. And somehow you think you hold the high ground. Trump sure does love people like you.
Thanks for clarifying the quote. Of those rich people who were implied to be saved, how many were Old Testament. The greater point was that the trappings of wealth put up barriers to following the faith, yet many of today’s evangelicals view riches as something that is virtuous and a reward for their faith.