Shows exactly who is controlled by propaganda and refuses to discourse with views different of theirs. That said… I truly appreciate every one of you that disagree with me politically and is willing to challenge my position.
I don’t know about record lows or anything else regarding number of posts, but how many threads can say the same thing? We are roughy 2 weeks away. How many times can we start a thread about Trump’s cognitive challenges (or as he says it, he has no “cognitive”)? How many times can we start the thread about Kamala being a bad border czar (is that even a thing?)? How many new polls can we have threads about? I think we’ve said all, hears it all, mocked it all, and repeated it again, to exhaustion.
There is no greater nightmare to them than another Trump presidency and the polls are clearly pointing to another Trump presidency now two weeks out from Election Day. After mocking his chances for years, predictions of impending doom for him, certain posters are suddenly turtling. Fortunately, there are some deniers still posting and we can entertain ourselves with their denial. I look at it this way: we get to watch the meltdown in slow motion as opposed to it happening all on one night as it did in 2016.
I may not agree with you on many things, but the Meltdown will be epic to those of you who celebrate.
When one's view ignores the dire warnings of virtually every high ranking official in Trump's administration, not to mention what Trump has said he'll do to those who oppose him if reelected, it's impossible to have discourse.
After reading the OP and 5 responses… I still have no idea what the OP means. Kudos to those above fluent in Q.
Maybe times are tough for OP and he's having to buy low thread count sheets. Biden/Harris fault, of courz
"Threads" was a crazy 80's miniseries on post nuclear apocalypse. Could be on that. No one watches it anymore.
I assumed it was about the Meta social media site Threads and their stock price based on the headline
I think the low number of threads is because the cons miraculously stopped caring about Hunter Biden.