Dude is writing fan fiction at this point. If he wants to keep me interested, include a romance subplot next time!
Don’t see how it embarrasses Israel. Is anyone’s conscience shocked that Israel has (well, had) a plan for hitting Iran back after the last missile attack? Kind of doubt it. I do see how it would force Israel to delay, amend, or even cancel its plan.
I am not necessarily disagreeing with all of this, but even Biden wouldn't be so foolish as to jeopardize the trust between the U.S. and Israeli government going forward. A 3rd grader could explain why that wouldn't be wise.
Man, I say this as non-partisan as I possibly can, if Sullivan did this, he needs to see lots of prison time. Otherwise, you set a precedent that will hold for all future NSAs whether GOP or Democrat, that it's "okay" to leak classified information to the #1 state sponsor of terrorism (much of which is directed at American interests) in the world. They've been trying to kill Trump, then Netanyahu. We cannot have an NSA who skates for willful violation of the law at this level. It's unconscionable.
Saw this a couple times on Twitter. We'll see if it is accurate. Update: Not accurate according to Jennifer Griffin:
I'm in complete agreement with @uftaipan but for different reasons. Mine is mainly related to his approach to Ukraine.
Horns of a dilemma then. You want stuff from the U.S. government. They want to know what you want to do with that stuff. You have to tell them something.
Agree sort of. But I don’t think it matters with this admin. They are all in no matter how much or little knowledge they have. With the leak they have reason to not tell specifics. If the leak had not occurred it would be different.
Your post was stupid. I have no opinion about your intelligence. After all, bright people can do or say stupid things.
Think that one through. These are U.S. intelligence documents, not Israeli ones. Even if Netanyahu had the motive you suggest, he did not have the means and opportunity. It was done by a U.S. national with a TS/SCI security clearance and access to the documents in question. That much, at least, is clear. Their motive and method for leaking it is what we are still guessing at.