And, yet, given all that, we still wouldn't do it. Or would require something truly significant to even think about it. Keep in mind, the only thing keeping the CCP from seeking it's ego-boost by attacking Taiwan are the military consequences. So, self flagellate all you want, but we're probably the better alternative even if we're just virtue signaling. And those who think the CCP offers a better alternative (and not just leverage) will learn their lesson the hard way.
Well we dont really have any good numbers on how many people died in Iraq when counting civilians. The US Civil War obviously had more military casualties, but I would venture that the number of civilian deaths in Iraq is much higher than non-combatants in the US civil war.
On a personal note, I hope those people choose the CCP. And when it isn't the panacea they thought it would be, I hope we don't answer when that phone rings. Make your choice and make it wisely, because we aren't going to be your leverage piece.
He specifically said "troops". I don't think his mind is capable of grasping the "nuance" of overall casualties. "Well, the US lost 650,000 troops in Iraq and all for false pretenses."
Lets looks at this blindly, if you are going to be under someone's boot do you pick the boot that has been involved in frequent wars, currently sanctions over half the developing world, but has primo military equipment and gadgets, or the other one that doesnt have that same track record, has shittier stuff but loves to build free infrastructure to hook you. If you take the deal, neither country really cares about what you do to your own people, and they both want some kind of military cooperation/access and resource extraction in return. Seems like its a pick your poison scenario, and it will depend on what interests control the government.
Basic rules of law. Do I need to list them? 1. You can't just take my stuff without some kind of review/court process, etc. You know, basic private-property rights. Do I really need to break down the entire structure of the Western economic system here? In China, it's whatever Xi/CCP wants. PERIOD! No debate. No court. No appeals process. If Xi says the entirety of the South China Sea is his, then it's his, right? Keep in mind, if you look at a map of the Gulf and Caribbean, there's a big chunk there - recognized by the US - that is Cuban. Does the CCP do the same with the Philippines? No, they unilaterally declare that theirs and routinely squabble - and threaten - the Philippines over it. So, are you really going to stand by this nonsense that "we're all the same". Because it's pretty clear we are not.
I didn’t say anything about global sanctions. I doubt we’d see those. The economic disruption just at the border alone would be significant though. There would probably be a cultural cost too. Obviously many Mexican Americans.
Exactly. So choose wisely. And maybe read some history books before you make that choice, because one of these looks like what we've seen routinely over the last 3 millennia and the other - while hardly perfect and at times very flawed - looks like something different. If you're too stupid to see that, then you probably deserve what you get. I get why they want to use us as leverage, I just wouldn't play along. Otherwise, where does it end?
This is the kind of decision that would be revolution/military coup worthy. So destructive that it simply can't be allowed to happen. Anyone supporting it the most dangerous internal threat in US History.
Rules Based Order - we make the rules and order you to obey them on the pain of sanctions, color revolution or proxy war.
Also, just to show you I'm fair, this new paradigm is going to require a different attitude on our part. These are partners and need to be treated as such, not like subjects. Make it worth their while to be part of whatever comes next for the West. A big part of that is getting over this racist view of people from south of the border which is held by a lot in this country. That is our future if we want a good future.
Aww. Let's all shed a tear for the Vlad, aka The World's Biggest Victim! Gee, could you be more "woke" on this?
gravity for the win...the game of thrones being played in Russia during this war is epic. will anyone ever document the reality or will anyone ever know the truth about who did what to whom. supposedely had cancer but ??? Mikhail Rogachev, Russian oligarch and opponent of Putin, dies after fall from tenth floor Russian oligarch Mikhail Rogachev has died in Moscow after falling from the tenth floor and being found by Russia's foreign intelligence service. According to local Russian media, as well as 'The Times', the Rogachev (pictured) allegedly left a farewell note before allegedly jumping out of the window to take his own life. Mikhail Rogachev had a successful business career, having served as chairman of Yukos, one of Russia's leading oil and gas companies, deputy general manager of Nornickel since 2007 and as managing director of the private investment fund Onexim Group.
Ironically, Slava Ukraine! is the newest component of woke. It indicates you’re a White Male for Kamala and you vote for reproductive health.
Yeah, if you read a history book and dont come to a conclusion that American imperialism is a black mark, it is probably produced by Prager University