It is best not to communicate directly with the resident tr0ll. Some people think it best to put him on ignore, as he adds nothing of intelligence to the discussion.
I suspect that Economics would rule this out, the US and Mexico are huge trading partners. And Mexico has significant oil reserves. What does Russia offer Mexicans? Igloo vacation opportunities in Siberia?
Notice a pattern here? Typical bully pattern, do as I say, not as I do. They just love to set their own rules now, don't they?
Rudyard Kipling could have warned us … When you take on the role of the world’s policeman, don’t be surprised when countries who cannot fight their own wars call “911.” That is exactly what is happening to the United States on two fronts and it is bankrupting our country, depleting the military that should serve our own national interest, and threatening to drag the US into World War III. Ron Paul: Why Should We Fight Wars For Ukraine And Israel? | ZeroHedge
HOW can you possibly post this Chem? I mean this was supposed to be wrapped up, according to the Kremlin, by late March 2022. 650,000 casulties later, a collapsing, non military economy and losing part of Kursk was ALWAYS in the plan.
Obviously, but that's what that crowd (parroting Mearsheimer) always brings up in this situation, "what if it was Mexico?" If it was Mexico, we would not be able to just invade them without any repercussions from the rest of the world, in particular from the whiney little bitches in Russia and China.
What repercussions would we face? A number of Republicans have floated the idea of sending the military into Mexico, without the cooperation of Mexico. If there have been no material repercussions for Israel for invading their neighbors when they see fit for security purposes, what is anyone going to do to us? The point of spending billions on defense is so we dont have that problem lol. Sure, you dont get healthcare or a similar quality of life to any other industrialized nation, but we also are immune from international sanction and get to bully anyone we want.
You have a chance to edit that and not look like a complete moron. . . or you could leave it up. Your choice. Note: We lost 650K - COMBINED - in the Civil War.
Traitors in 2003: “The CIA is lying to us about Iraq!” Morons in 2024: “The CIA is telling us the truth about Ukraine!”
1. Destroy the most important partnership, potentially in our country's history, but definitely for next 100 years. Doomsday scenario. One of the reasons I'd rather see MAGA shot in the streets than elected to office. 2. The usual crying from the CCP and Russia. Maybe some sanctions. Maybe not. But definitely universal condemnation and probably some real damage in terms of our status worldwide and ability to build coalitions in the future. 3. Probably kills any chance of spreading the NAFTA system further south and locking up the W. Hemisphere. But, hey, hat tip for sliding Israel in there, even though it's a completely non-comparable situation. Ukraine never unilaterally attacked Russia (nor has it a pattern of doing so) and randomly and wantonly killed 1000 citizens for no real reason other than shock value.
Cool dude. Then Iraq is the deadliest war in US History. And the CIA and the rest of "the establishment" has been hiding it from us all this time. Can't get anything past you
We are already sanctioning Russia and involved in a proxy war with them, whatever they are doing to us now is basically what they can do. China doesn't bother much with sanctions, they are smart enough to see where being dumb and violent has gotten us. If we piss off Mexico, they will simply look for investment opportunities and move them into their orbit diplomatically as the US further isolates itself. Free Trade is basically dead, it seems we are moving into a time of competing nationalisms and trade wars. The "rules based international order" is crumbling because people realize the rules don't apply to the people making them if you have enough economic and military power. The smaller countries will just fall in line with whoever offers the most lucrative deals, and then we await the fallout of mass migrations from war, civil unrest and climate collapse.
not to mention that any fighting in Mexico would be a mess for the us. Would have huge impacts on border states. Holding Mexican territory would be very difficult and costly. The us would have to enforce a total blockade to stop weapons from coming in from our enemies which would hurt our ability to enforce us influence abroad. And it would cripple one of our biggest trading relationships. This would be a debacle.
If we sent troops into Mexico they would not be fighting the Mexican army or holding territory in the classic military sense. If it were to happen, it would be sold as a security measure against drug cartels and illegal immigration. If we did this without Mexican cooperation, I dont know how they would react, but presumably they would probably not like it, but would also probably not retaliate directly either. Whatever the case, it would probably destabilize their government, but considering its a popular leftist government, the US government would probably consider that a feature, not a bug.
Those are still ramifications. The position of Mearsheimer and other hacks like him is that attacking Mexico would be perfectly understandable and that we should afford the same "respect" to Russia when it comes to Ukraine. Am I missing something, or do you agree with this? As for the rest of the pie-in-the-sky nonsense, what would you do differently? Be "nicer"? We tried that with the CCP and they spit in our faces and are probably more authoritarian now than they've been since Mao. And the CCP is threatened by the very "free trade" system you laud, and wants to take it and us down. So what would you have us do? Be nicer? Give me a break. Countries fight for their own interests. Also, we will build a system of partners who value things like free trade, but we are not trying to save or roll that out to the world anymore. We'll build and preserve it for ourselves and those who want to be our partners and the rest of the world will be dealt with on a purely transactional basis.
It is literally the worst thing we could do for the present and future. Again, doomsday scenario. The worst thing - outside of just launching nukes - we could do. Utterly disastrous on every level. Afghanistan in our backyard while crushing relations with our No. 1 trading partner for the next 100 years. But, hey, the MAGA Morons would love it!