No Matter who wins the Election Nov 5 Jesus is my king of Kings, The Alpha and the Omega, and the Beginning and the End. So, In the Grand scheme of things whether you voted Trump or Harris; Jesus is king.
I must confess, I am not very religious, but I do very much respect people of faith, whatever that faith may be. So long as it promotes love, peace, forgiveness and shuns violence. But I have come to the same conclusion, in a sense. My faith is in the American people. You can see this in Hispanic voters. Many of whom have parents, grandparents who came to this country via illicit means. But as the generations pass, their children and grandchildren now understand the perils of an open border and Trump may end up with north of 40% of Hispanic and Latino voters this election. We have the second half-black candidate for high office running in our history and yet Trump may receive the highest percentage of the African-American vote than any GOP candidate has in decades. Dare I say, it almost feels like Morning in America again. I'll still send up my prayers and pray God almighty hears them.
Jesus only cared about his faith and God's Word and his destiny to die on the cross for our sins. I hope you don't really believe that.
I try and be very faithful and study God's word on a regular basis, but Like anyone I am not perfect and I sin. I was baptized for the remission of my sins and try to be a good and faithful Christian like Timothy was to Paul. Do I fail? Of Course I do. The key is to ask God to forgive us of our sins and even forgive for sins we know that not which we did. I think there are Faithful Christians and hypocritical Christians, just like there are good democrats and good Republicans and there are hateful ones respectfully. I try and not judge anyone, but sometimes I admit and shamed by this, but I do.
Jesus cared about a lot more than that. He spoke often of social organization. The issue for people who use Christianity as an excuse to maintain hierarchical social organization is that he largely spoke against such social norms in favor of other forms of social organization. As such, it requires a sect of Christianity to try to simplify the message away from his social message and towards a narrow interpretation of what he was discussing.
Is that your interpretation? We are supposed to strictly go my God's word(The Bible) we are not supposed to interpret it to liken to our own Values or agenda.
I don't know why some of you feel the need to say "Christian", I could say "true" American's as well. You have the right to believe or Vote for who you want, but you don't see me putting down Liberals/Dems because I don't agree with them. Did the Harris Voters Vote for her because she has Usher's support?