The only thing that makes it implausible, is that it doesn't benefit Israel at all. But I can scarcely think of a better way to communicate to back channel to our enemies, than entrusting our intel apparatus with sensitive info.
This admin has already had an issue with Iranian penetration of members of their staff. Biden’s envoy to Iran is currently on leave pending a law enforcement investigation to his handling of classified information. I think it is likely that this admin got staff with a lot of pro-Iran policy types and they are seeing all the Israelis about to do something that frustrates their efforts for years.
Anyone who leaked classified data with intent to cause harm should spend 20 years to life in prison. Pretty simple.
That is not their call to make. They swore an oath to protect classified data and should be held responsible to that oath.
Silly. Anything that hurts Biden will be used to hurt Harris. Ask yourself if anyone involved with the other campaign getting top secret briefings has a history of being careless with classified information and wants to hurt Harris' chances.
You just said its not anyone's call to make? If it intent matters, then leaking to prevent a war or unnecessary deaths is someone's call to make I would think! Whatever the case, it seems useful to know Israel has a detailed plan to lead us into supporting an even more disastrous war than the one we are already backing.
No individual out of chain of command has the right to call. You're just being obtuse at this point. Run along and leave the adults alone.
Another example of how our intelligence apparatus is too broad and complicated. Was the leak in the DoD, CIA, DIA, State Dept? Who knows, and no one in the public will likely know. There needs to be one agency in charge of foreign intelligence, not the 5-6 that we have now. What a clusterf***. And this is one example, its all throughout the govt, too much redundancy.
Ok, I think I'm seeing the point. Intent only matters when you can punish them even more severely! Good intent, well, you arent allowed to have that kind or use it to mitigate punishment lol. That's pure adulting.
It was smart on Trump’s part not to receive the intelligence briefings that were offered. You know they would be trying to pin them on him or his team
He was very clearing referring to intent as a function of whether it was an accidental or a purposeful spillage, not in the sense you mean of why the person would have leaked it. The why in that sense is irrelevant, except in as much as they want to argue it’s a mitigating circumstance at their trial.
I don't either, the guy is a major villain with the anti-war left who regard him as a war criminal of sorts, its hard to envision him making some kind of face turn here.
Yes, he’s stolen a lot of my lunch money. Quite a bit of yours as well. This Administration can and should do better with a National Security Advisor than a guy whose background is in the law and managing political campaigns. If there is a single point of failure for everything that has gone wrong in our foreign policy since January 2021 with Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc, then it’s this guy and his Napier-like insistence of sticking with his “process” (in this case his particular brand of IR theory) no matter how much the results in the field suggest it is not working. If he is the source of this leak, he should go down hard and publicly, and you should be glad of it, I’ll settle for him being fired and replaced with someone whose portfolio is actually national security and understands the complicated web of different IR theories, how different sources of national power interact, and how to predict authoritarian power behaviors.