Sounds like you need to move to Latin America, Africa, or SE Asia if that’s the kind of military you want. That sort of thing is not in our blood. Never has been. Never will be. Whichever one of these two unimpressive, too-stupid-to-realize-they’re-stupid people wins this election, you will have to live with it just like everyone else.
Another former soviet state looks West Maldova votes to join EU despite Russian meddling. More winning for Putin.
You do see the similarities in our role in Iraq 2.0 and Russia's actions in Ukraine right? You know, like how everyone told you not to and you probably should have listened? Remember that part? Biggest difference is that's next door to Russia and of a very similar culture, whereas we were gallivanting across the world trying to "save" a part of the world that is culturally the opposite of us. Both were stupid and both the US and Russia came/will come out far worse for the stupid decision. I know, here comes the Mexico bit. Even if Mexico did go rogue and start talking to the CCP/Putin, maybe even send in a few NGOs, we'd have no right to attack them and, if we did, we would face universal condemnation from the world.
No, I see no similarities. The invasion of Iraq was based on false pretenses. It was in every sense sold to the American people as a lie. Irony: back then critics of the war were regarded as traitors. Whereas Russia was straightforward regarding its reasons for its SMO and it was predicated on NATO using Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia. Think you hate Russia now ? What if you knew that it was Russia’s long-standing aim to see our POTUS removed and America weakened ?
I knew it. Completely dishonest broker. Why did I bother. Oh well, back to the grind. . . have a good day Traitor!
Did you see the video of the Ukrainian unit in Kursk that was surrounded? Rather than die or get captured to be executed by the Russians they called an artillery strike down on themselves. It looked like a combination of traditional artillery and HIMARS. They must have hunkered down well as all 9 survived.
I missed that one. I tend to by pass the videos of that show Russians getting hit by HIMARS/Arty seen I’ve seen enough of them at this point.
Yeah, this one was only notable for them calling it down on themselves. Couldn’t see much detail but you could see traditional artillery and the HIMARS spray pattern.
Voting to join Europe, in 2024, is like chopping off your testicles to become an imperial eunuch in 1910.
All I see here is Putin getting cheap mercenaries. Will some defect? Probably and Putin probably anticipates that to a degree. But at the end of the day, he's getting cheap soldiers to throw into the fire and preserving Russian bodies. In his book, that's a win.
And all I see here is that Putin has officially internationalized the conflict in a direct manner, a measure that goes beyond providing material aid (which many countries have done for one side of the other) and beyond allowing the use of territory as a springboard for hostilities (as Belarus did). So while Putin or his dum dum mouthpiece Medvedev may stomp, cry, and issue more empty threats should Ukrainian allies also send expeditionary forces, he is the one who opened the door.
Anyone who is dumb enough to think that the western proxy war in Ukraine has failed in any fashion is probably too dumb to participate in this discussion. It has been very successful, in that a country with a much smaller military and NO navy has held Russia at bay for almost three years and destroyed the Russian navy in the Black Sea. It is been a virtual stalemate for over a year now. Russia has lost most of its special forces soldiers, its moderately effective private military companies disbanded and rendered ineffective, and Ukraine has been destroying weapons and oil depots in large numbers, in addition to destroying tanks, armored vehicles, airplanes, and missile defense systems in much greater numbers. We now know that U.S. 40-year-old technology is significantly better than Russia's most modern weapons. Russia's military leadership has never been so incompetent and disorganized. Russia has not been this close to economic collapse since 1989. So many of Russia's decisions smack of desperation--bringing in first artillery shells from North Korea, and then bringing in soldiers from North Korea, who will not be able to understand the incompetent commands from the Russian generals. As bad as Russian generals are, the interference from ignoramus Putin makes them even less effective. The sanctions are working, support for Ukraine's military is working, so Ukraine is able to continue being an independent country with a lot to fight for. Russians aren't sure what they are fighting for, and it shows.