Absurd point. Trump’s whole argument against illegal immigration is that if you don’t control who is coming in, you get many bad people coming in, which is true and a winning issue for Republicans. Democrats of course like to mischaracterize his argument into claiming “everyone who comes here illegally is bad and they’re bad because they’re not White.” Why? Democrats love them some race-baiting.
Too funny. Your defense of a race-baiter is that those opposed to his deplorable conduct are....race baiters.
I’ve never put anyone on ignore. I feel everyone can contribute something…. I may need to rethink that assumption.
Let’s be clear about something. I am not calling you a complete and total moron, but Stephen Hawking could not climb a couple of stairs by himself.
With you it’s more like a crow just sitting in a tree cawing away adding nothing to life. You really have a hard time paying attention when people post things as well..
From you that's a compliment. Thank you. With you it's just a bunch of shilling for a traitor criminal, or his criminal organization of enablers....then trying to pretend and assert that you aren't shilling for a traitor, rapist criminal. And/or his enablers. But that's what you do, so enjoy. Personally I think it's much more favorable to hold criminals and their enablers incontempt.
Harris knew she was walking into the lion’s den with respect to the Fox News interview. Trump was too dumb to realize that he was walking into the lion’s den by interviewing with the National Association for Black Journalists.
Nobody is buying this bullshit after the Trump campaign demonized (with lies) Haitians who are in Ohio legally. Trump dislikes Black and Brown people coming into this country, period.
If he's an enabler (i.e. an accomplice to), then he's a racist. That isn't necessarily the threshold, though. Just read the definition: a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. With that definition in mind, how can you claim he's not a racist?
Absurd. I don’t “dislike” white men but I do understand that they enjoy a whole lot of privilege in this country due to race and gender. I would suggest you be honest with yourself and admit that truth.
Hey man, it could be true, you just don’t believe it because that is politically convenient for you. It’s definitely not the lack of anything resembling real world evidence or the fact the originator of the hoax admitted to making it up! This is where these people are. Alternative facts. It “could be true”. But YOU are the one acting on political expedience. Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.
Maybe you don’t realize it or are too young to recall the discussion of cuban immigration in the 80’s, but alot of these anti-immigrant people would hate you too and were saying the same thing about Cuban immigrants in the ‘80’s. I think that’s where Trump gets his “they are emptying out the asylums” schtick. Either that or he doesn’t understand people applying for asylum doesn’t make them insane. Do you think most of the immigrants coming to this country now are coming from “insane asylums”? Is that a fair way to characterize them? You apparently have no issues with accusing Haitian migrants of eating dogs and cats. (and remember Trump now promises to uproot and deport these people, all based on a racist lie). So it’s curious where your line is for defining something as racist or when something is a lie. Because from here it pretty much seems like an “if the orange god said it” level of logical reasoning.
The poster you addressed clearly has no problem with racism or fascism towards minority groups......as long as his minority group is an "in group" that receives preferential treatment.
Well sorry if you say so, but your one post sure seemed filled with a lot of anger and an comes across that way…