Corporate media? Oh man. So, is it now any news agency that is filed legally as a corporation that is dishonest? Who is a trustworthy source, then? Only unincorporated media, individuals, and sole proprietors? I don’t even get what you mean by this. I’m legit confused, because Fox News and NewsMax are also “corporate media”. Are you accusing them as well? Nobody hid anything. People saw what they wanted to see.
I think they would have to go with Vance since the ballots are already printed. It would still be an improvement. It's amazing that the last three POTUS cycles, the more both candidates stayed out of the news, the more popular they got.
I’d be good with that. I wonder if it’s even possible, since they’ve already had their convention. On the other hand, I think the party determines the rules so maybe it could be done. Edit: I think @CaptUSMCNole brings up a good point. Ballots are already printed. I’ve already delivered mine. Not sure how they could get a new name on it unless people wrote it in.
Yessiree, Bob - the Boston Globe was all over Biden's cognitive decline...NOT!!! Is Trump impaired? I have no idea - but, please, don't even try to sing that song now. If not for imploding in the debate, Biden would be the nominee and everyone who favors Left on this board would be proclaiming him as "the best" Thanks for the daily laugh.
The problem with this “covered it up for 4 years” theory, is many of us watched the 2020 debates and saw old man Biden shred Trump in those debates in real time. The bar was obviously rock bottom debating a clown like Trump, but clearly he was not “senile” during the campaign or coming into office. I’d say with the marked drop off of press conferences his staff probably started noticing issues in the last year or so. But unless they were literally trying to sabotage him, that debate performance had to come as a surprise to his advisors.
When it became obvious that Biden was unfit, Democrats acted decisively and moved on. With Trump, they will follow him to the grave.
I still wouldn’t mind Haley. But despite the primary support for Haley from the left, I have a feeling they would change their tune if she received the Republican nomination.
When did it become obvious? SNL seemed to have come to that conclusion back in March before Super Tuesday in the Democratic primary.
Not sure if you’re lying or just in an absurd level of denial. Let me help you out here. If he’s “mostly functional throughout the day,” why was he removed as the Democratic nominee and replaced by Kamala Harris? Now, perhaps you say it’s because he took a dip in the polls. Why did he take a dip in the polls? This election was supposed to be the same two candidates as the 2020 election. How did Joe Biden go from actually beating Donald Trump in 2020, to losing to him to the point that he was ousted by his own party leadership because nobody thought he could win?
It wasn’t obvious to most people until well into the primary, or later, and the thought process/rationalization was it was too late to do anything about it. Then the debate came and it was so bad that most decided that something drastic had to happen. I think a lot of people had concerns, but compared to the alternatives, Trump, Harris who was unpopular, and other Democrats they held their nose and stuck with abide. Personally I was calling for him to step down as candidate at least as early as the special counsel report. I had worries that he couldn’t make 4 years but I didn’t realize he was THAT bad until the debate.
Why is it that Republicans seem like prophets half the time. They predict inflation, an immigration crisis, and are screaming to the heavens that Joe Biden is senile and they’re just repeatedly called crazy. Enter 2024, and Democrats remove Joe Biden from the race because he’s losing because he’s senile, Democrats acknowledge that inflation was bad but it’s just now getting better, and we have an immigration crisis, but it’s Trump’s fault. US politics seems like a cycle of Republicans warning X will happen if Democrats move forward. X happens, then Democrats blame Republicans for it.
So your defense of your preferred candidate for President of the United States is that he isn't senile, he is simply so profoundly mentally ill that he acts like he is senile?
Trump won’t step down, many seniors like that in politics hang on way too long. Even RGB. And I don’t see maga admin going the route of 25th. No, it will be trump at the wheel for 4 years. Countries just literally roll out the red carpet and feed his ego and get what they want.
Are you kidding us? Everyone predicted inflation when Trump instantly added deficit-funded fiscal stimulus to a strong economy. Then, of course, we had covid. And there's really no difference in illegal immigration making it a "crisis", but anyone could have predicted that it wouldn't get better when Trump absolutely FAILED to fix the issue, much less even propose a solution, when he was POTUS and his party held control of both houses of Congress. But "Republicans are prophets"? Are you just trying for some record for the most absurd posting possible?
Eh - Trump is nowhere near where Biden was cognitively. The music thing was weird but he was coherent and present during it, which makes it even more bizarre IMO. Again with the low hanging fruit. Trump has so many legit ways to be attacked. Its crazy that anyone defending Biden just months ago would even think to complain about Trump right now. Most of you bent over backwards while Biden drooled all over himself in real time actually on camera. Instead, we heard that second hand information was more factual than video evidence. Honestly, you can't take either fanbase seriously. Both sides just a bunch of apologists and rehashing "Im rubber your glue" bs arguments. "You remember the time your candidate lied" "Oh what about the time your candidate lied?!?" "Your candidate is too old" -- "Nuh uh!! Your candidate is too old". Embarrassing. Before anyone "but Trumps" me I've already gone on record saying Trump should never be president again so find something other than Trump talking points to respond. ___________________________ This is a more valid concern though
So why is he still President? If he he is too diminished to run for President how can he do the job of President?
Because POTUS is a 4-year job. And the question isn't is Biden well enough to finish his first term. It's is he going to be well enough to finish a second? Same question could and should be asked about Trump.