If only those new scanners and agents in that bill were in place....they did something. Too little too late but f supply is dropping
Not much. My argument Isn't really about the politicians. But a whole lot of pro life money goes to pregnancy crisis centers, child aid organizations and adoptions. This isea that it stops at birth could not be more erroneous. I know at least 10 families that have adopted. My sister did it as a single parent. You guys should know by now, my faith in any political party to ACTUALLY follow through on promises is pretty non-existent.
It was such a shit take anyway, as if drug issues are partisan or something that popped up in 2021. Guy is gone off the deep end. We had an emerging “opioid crisis” going on in Trumps term (at least enough to call it a crisis, I recall Trump trotting out some parents of kids who od’d as props back in 2016). Did he ever do anything to help? Nope. Trump did nothing in his time, and played political games with a border bill that would at least be incrementally helpful towards fighting fentanyl. Not that I think any bill immediately solves the problem, we have to recognize that opioid users and drug seekers drive this problem. Passing a bill wont stop the demand for opioids, fentanyl or otherwise. You have to prevent people from getting hooked in the first place and at least attempt to treat those that are hooked.
What a crappy thing to say. Lol...None of the people in my circle are "well to do". Many of them work in non profit work. And their children are far from "scams". So now your ignorant take is pro-lifers that care after birth are really just child trafficers? Where do you think they get these kids? My sister fostered for 4 years prior and rescued them from a fatherless hone where the mon was in prison multiple times. Save your bullcrap for your echo chamber. You couldnt be more ignorant about this.
Pregnancy crisis centers are definitely scams dude. They feed you lies and disinformation when people are at their most scared and vulnerable to get you to not have an abortion (and they often pop up conveniently next to places that perform abortions). I think the Supreme Court ruled they can basically lie to you and owe no one any sort of medical ethics, because free speech. And if you dont think there isnt a market for children, you are fooling yourself. Its perfectly legal I suppose, but it certainly relies on supply and demand. And banning abortion and promoting adoption (and pregnancy crisis centers), certainly feeds said market.
No, by the pregnant woman if that is her choice. I think an issue here is that you are putting forth all these examples of individual groups with which you have some familiarity helping disadvantaged children/families. I am not suggesting you are incorrect and I commend you and the others for those efforts. There is, however, an entirely different perspective. Try to get something through Congress expanding food stamps, free lunch programs, after school programs or, God forbid, the one that seems to rile the right up the most, free feminine hygiene items in schools, and you'll be able to count on zero to 5 fingers the number of Congressional Republicans voting in favor of those measures.
The post I disagreed with actually told a specific poster that HE didn't care. And then stumbled into the usual "only care until birth" tripe. I am cool with resetting the conversation at pandering right wing politicians dont care, but pro-life citizens do.
Listen, we arent miles from agreement here. I think the feminine hygiene stuff boils around boys restrooms generally, and thats a hill the left should abandon...but I get your overarching point and tend to agree. It's why I have really stepped away from political activity (voting) outside of the state/local level, (where often they havent been bought yet). I find the abortion views of the left to be just way too far off of my moral compass, and I find Republican politicians pander and fear monger irt welfare programs. I get ripped by a couple certain posters for my "both sides suck" position, but it is just the landing spot I find myself in.
So it would be more accurate to say you want government to make the decision for women and then turn it over to private charities.
So instead of using the inefficient government to make women’s medical decisions why don’t you use religious charities to influence women’s choices.
Yes, ultimately the people alarmed by human trafficking think government policy should collude with private charities and adoption agencies to do baby farming for paying adoptees
During the 117th Congress, more than 100 Representatives and at least eighteen Senators co-sponsored legislation to “implement equal protection” under the Fourteenth Amendment to protect “the right to life of each born and preborn human person.”
Nope. That wouldn't be accurate. There is way more involved in the care of children than the abortion conversation. None of the organizations I am referring too are are even active in the abortion conversation other than the ones that offer alternatives to women who voluntarily enter their doors.
So, that saved 0 babies, so my question still stands. Oh, look, here's an example of the GOP killing babies. Colorado contraception program was a huge success – but the GOP is scrapping it The Colorado Family Planning Initiative (CFPI) offered low-income women and teenagers access to low or no-cost contraceptive devices, including IUDs and implants, and trained providers in insertion and counselling techniques. Last year, researchers reported significant drops in the birth rate among teens and young adult women in participating counties. The abortion rate among women between 15 and 19 years old dropped by more than a third; high-risk pregnancies by a fourth. In July the governor’s office issued a glowing press release, crediting the program with a 40% statewide drop in teen birth rates between 2009 and 2013 – and a 35% drop in abortions. But, despite the program’s widely reported successes, last Wednesday Colorado’s Republican-controlled senate killed a bill that would sustain and expand CFPI services.