While I suspect that Kamala will easily win the popular vote, we can agree that the election will be decided by a razor thin margin in each of the swing states. As to who will win, I read every day “studies “ telling us Trump will win, and “studies” telling us Kamala will win. That tells me everyone needs to get off their butt and vote, particularly in the swing states.
I voted Biden. Biden continues to be our President. Harris is not making our Country’s decisions, even though your told that by Trump. Biden strongly implied when running in 2020 that he would be a one term president. He is not fit, IMO, to be a 2 term President at his age. Trump, too, IMO, is not fit to be President based on his age and demonstrable decline.
Blah blah blah... Forget Trump or Doh! Biden... Queen word salad gibberish has managed to out dumb them all, and SHE is the actual dummyrat candy--and aWolz has proven utterly worthless to boot, other than contributing the best SNL character in decades. I'll give him that much. That's some funny shit there...
Thank goodness, and may she never be. (PS--actually neither of those vapid puppets is making any decisions...just reading script).
But I CAN’t forget Trump. That is the other “choice.” He has demonstrated beyond any doubt he is incapable of being entrusted with our Nation’s governance, security and treasure. And yes, Gaffigan is outstanding. But by saying he is the best, you are severely doing injustice to Dana Carvey, who has me laughing out loud every week.
Post 377, the post I originally responded: LWell fortunately for Trump (assuming your point is even true, which I don’t think it is), Democrats have set the standard that he doesn’t need to be “there” for the next 4 years, he only needs to be “perceived” as “there” on Election Day.”
No disrespect intended to the great Dana Carvey. Re. Trump--he already served in the office, and things were better than under his replacements. So your contention rings hollow.
When I say “there” I mean mentally competent, not the literal physical POTUS. Also, there is no chance in Hell Joe Biden is the guy making all of the calls right now. He doesn’t know where he is half the time.
That’s because I don’t think he has had significant cognitive decline. Simple as that. And if anyone is worried about cognitive decline on the left why didn’t they worry about their own candidate 4 years ago or any time in the last 3.5 years? And I get why anyone on the left tries to gloss over why the Dems knowingly knew Biden isn’t all there but didn’t have the stones to do something about it. So any complaints from anyone saying trump is cognitively losing it but didn't call for Biden to step down looks like they are just playing politics.
I don’t agree that “things were better.” Yea, we all lead different lives and circumstances. But I remember Trump’s presidency degrading each year. Each year, our society became more divided, the discord widened, and the climate became so inflamed that there were literal riots all across the country. And I am not assessing blame. I recall that the Dems were declared in day 1 of his presidency that they would make life difficult for him. But Trump, being Trump, took every slight as a personal war, which he waged every night through his Twitter thumbs, furthering the insults and divide to levels of embarrassment to our Country. The economy that Trump inherited was a great rebound economy. Trump did nothing to make it better. Indeed, IMO, his economic policies were idiotic. He is responsible for renegotiating NAFTA, with his landmark piece of legislation intended to bring back manufacturing. Which was a total failure—it only served to bolster the Mexican economy which captured the massive bulk of manufacturing. I found his international policies reckless (just like our generals). Openly attacking our allies is moronic in every level. And he has told us all that is what he will do if brought back. All of the above was why I voted for Biden. And then came his inexcusable actions after the election. That, for me, made him morally disqualified from ever holding any public office ever again.
"Things were better under his presidency." Hilarious. The only things not better now than under his presidency are the things he broke that haven't been completely cleaned up yet.
There’s a difference between “those on the left” making excuses for their candidate openly running for office against Trump, from you. That’s their party thus their guy. Until he isn’t. You, on the other hand, are not team-Trump. You have the freedom to be critical, and to look at things more “objectively.” I can say for certainty that I did not want Biden to run again, I was critical of him running again, and I was relieved once the decision was made for him to back out of the race.
Well then surely Doh! Biden and sKamal's handlers will and would campaign on it. "Were you better off under Don or Doh!?" Sould be a walk through lay up.
sKamal's campaign slogan: "WE NEED TO TURN THE PAGE!!!" (on us/Doh! Biden) "Vote for Doh!'s 2nd in command for change!" LMAO! Somehow, that slippery shit ain't sticking... Huh...I wonder why...