Grady tells it like it is about the free shit illegal immigrants are getting. Food, medical, housing and travel. Then they become hookers to pay off their coyote. I know a bunch of you don't want to hear the truth so you would rather get your information from CNN than to listen to what is really going on.
He stopped humans from getting food, medical care and housing? What an evil prick! What does it say that you are praising him for that? Why do you keep posting about this chud?
The Collusion News Network and it's listeners don't care about the hundreds of thousands of missing/unaccounted for children.
Making things illegal leads to black markets, so I would say this is the result of making immigration illegal for some people. Support open borders and free movement of people, and end coyotes forcing people into debt servitude to smuggle them. That's the truth no one will tell you!
Your party lets school shootings happen as a part of life without ever trying to do anything to remedy it, and then proudly wear their AR-15 lapel pins afterwards. Shut the hell up, you guys don’t give a crap about kids and never have, you just use it as a talking point to try and win elections.
It's interesting to compare and contrast the national narrative about the horrible numbers for violent crime and the economy when we also see so much praise offered to (and credit claimed by) various state and local officials for progress on the same issues.
Perhaps the biggest scam ever ran on the American people in our history. They sold us out to keep power and gain more power.
They're overwhelmed. Are they catching more criminals? Yes, because there are more criminals to catch. We're not slowing crime: https://www.realclearinvestigations...etly_revises_violent_crime_stats_1065396.html
There are women prostitutes who are genuinely the victims of human trafficking. There are also many women who have made a conscious and free decision to engage in the "world's oldest profession." The interesting thing about Grady's sting operations is that often times these women are given a choice: go to jail or tell us that you are a human trafficking victim and we will get you help. Many free choice sex workers understandably go for option B.
There was a non partisan border bill ready to go and endorsed by border patrol, but Trump had his minions vote it down so he could platform on it since he has no actual policies of his own except tariffs because he’s an imbecile, lol. Nice try, though.
A key example I was thinking of was when DeSantis was campaigning to be president and said that Florida has the lowest crime rates in 50 years. Even if he was cherry-picking, that's a much different vibe than Trump and some others who've been depicting blood and mayhem nationally and making it sound like things have never been more dangerous. Perhaps there is a way to reconcile those apparent discrepancies but seems like a difficult needle to thread in a national election. For example, if some states and local governments are doing much better than others when it comes to reducing crime, how does that square with trying to blame Biden?
I understand you're attempting to steer the conversation elsewhere, as opposed to discussing this sting and the 25 illegal immigrants arrested out of 157 total (i.e. a small sample size). The fact is most of crime committed by illegals goes unreported and it takes a sting like this operation to flesh them out. Pretty sad this is the only thing you found worthy of discussion. But alas, par for the Democrat course.
Of course this is a statistical fallacy based on who operates and funds most child care organizations worldwide, but carry on with that tired, non factual quip that you guys think is so cute.
And when was that? Biden and Kama opened the border wide open the first week they got there. The bill didn't even take place until 3 years later and was filled with all kinds of socialist crap.
The border was a shit shown under Trump as well. The border has always been a shit show regardless of which side is in power - Obama did a crappy job with it as well. I can actually call out my party without having blinders on, though.