Donald Trump’s professor at Wharton called him the dumbest student he ever had, he thought stealth planes were literally invisible, thought you could inject bleach to combat Covid, stared directly at the sun during a solar eclipse, used a sharpie to redirect the path of a hurricane because he didn’t like being called out after saying it would hit Alabama, also described a hurricane as “one of the wettest we’ve seen from the standpoint of water”, doesn’t know any foreign countries customs and regularly made a fool of himself during international affairs. I have so many more, would you like me to go on? Trump is the single dumbest man to ever work in politics, and even his staff during his first term said he never read any briefings because he has the attention span of a gnat. Get Robert Barnes’ balls out of your mouth, the guy is so laughably biased he can’t be taken seriously.
Prove me wrong. Show me a source that proves Harris lied anywhere close to the amount that Trump did during the debate. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. And Trumps lies are so bad that you can’t help but call them out. The dude is unhinged, people. Just admit you’re supporting a dementia patient who has become more and more unglued in recent years. Trump is literally a real life version of Grandpa Simpson.
Trump trying to win over voters with one of his typical unhinged responses filled with lies. The crowd was not impressed. Literally a worse answer than anything Harris gave during the Fox interview last night by far, but keep on being delusional. Your candidate is a joke, lol.
Funny how the Dems turn everything they do into a lie about the Republicans. In this case after years of lying about Bidens mental issues they are trying to use the same thing against Trump even though it is not true. No way he is anywhere near what Biden has been for years. Biden could not even climb a couple of stairs by himself.
Dude, have you listed to Trump at all lately? Like at all? And you expect us to take your thoughts on this topic seriously? How much time do you have because I can post all sorts of inane responses to questions he’s been asked. His answer about childcare at the NABJ interview he did may be the worst case of absolute garbled word salad I’ve ever seen in my life. The dude is insane.
Who said anything about Biden? Funny how the Cons turn everything they do into a lie about the Democrats. You're just gonna pretend he's not slipping mentally after dancing around on stage like a buffoon for 39 minutes before canceling two major media interviews.
Great - thank you for informing me of what I know. So obsessed with mansplaining that you figured you would try it on for size? Not a good look.
Please. You know it and I know it. I’ve been “mansplained” more times than I can count. You don’t know because you’ve been the mansplainer.
You’re correct, of course. I was making generalizations that do hold up. Mr. Swampbabe is a great manager/director that has always received high marks for the diversity/productivity of his staff.
Trump definitely doesn’t sound as good as he did a few years ago but it falls on deaf ears from the left who literally looked the other way while Biden has been going downhill for the last 2 years or so.
Mark Halperin told Tucker he thought a huge number liberals/Democrats were going to break down mentally if Teump wins, which he thinks is likely. Do you think you'll be okay?
I need to start referring to my wife as Mrs magnetofsnatch. That’s after I tell her what for all day since I’m a white male that votes Republican.
It must be difficult to see your idol in the throes of severe cognitive decline. Dementia is no laughing matter. It is sad to see what it has done to Trump's already limited intellect.