I don’t engage in personal attacks. Read my post history. Have a great day! As I have told others here, I don’t post to change anyone’s mind.
Out of all the Dems in the 2020 Primary Election, she was one of the first ones to drop out for lack of support... the lowest common denominator. And yet, the Dems have the audacity to try and drag that dead-weight into the office of The Presidency? They must feel really good about the... ballot counting.
As a nearly 60 year old white man I realize that the playing field has always been tilted towards my advantage. There have been times I have taken advantage of that. The field is less tilted than it was but it’s still tilted.
....and showed up late against hard deadline/tight window, which is why is comes off as a bit rushed.
A never Trumper based on what? There's verified evidence of him trying to force Fox News producers to slow down calling the battleground states for Biden in 2020 because it was hurting Trump's case to argue that he had in fact won.
According to the polls. . . and what's running instead, I stand by this. Plus, his dumbass pandering aside, he still comes from the establishment (Harvard, Yale, Naval JAG corps) and wouldn't go full loon. I agree, though, it's really sad he decided to pander heavily to MAGA Morons. It was also rather stupid on his part as morons are always going to choose one of their own over someone who is just pretending to be stupid to suck up to their dumb asses.
When is trump's interview with MSNBC? Did I miss it? How about CNBC? I heard he was sitting with Mike Wallace. No???
It was Sky News, an analysis piece. They will be read by most. Not saying I agree - full disclosure work means I've not watched it yet. Don't shoot the messenger For what it's worth, Sky News has probably been more complimentary of Harris than Trump so far so I found it interesting.
Here is my thought on this. This is a close race. It's like you're in a foot race and neck and neck. You're coming to the end and you give it that last burst of energy to leave your opponent in the dust so there is no question as to who won. They are looking at all options to get her in front of as many Americans that they can. This race looking more and more like the tortious and the hare. Trump is canceling interviews, Harris is thinking outside the box and getting in front. The big argument in the beginning was that voters didn't know her. She's making sure they do.
I didn’t see the interview. Reading the comments from posters with known proclivities, it sounds to me like those in her corner think she was awesome; those in Trump’s corner think she expectedly bombed, and those stuck somewhere lost between Trump and betraying their R registration but watch Fox, think she did badly. Sounds to me the interview didn’t move the needle, but might’ve energized her base a tad.
The fact that Fox had to do 3 hours of damage control after she slapped their lickspittle around shows just how successful she was. Meanwhile, Trump was a complete horror show at the Univision town hall eliciting groans and eye rolls from the audience in attendance. Will Trump be sitting down with Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell any time soon? We all know the answer.
From what I saw on Twitter, she was getting good headlines from the media sources that had been criticizing her for not doing enough "serious" interviews (Politico, Axios, etc.). So this might have been as much about neutralizing that narrative as trying to convince a few swing voters or Never Trumpers who watch Fox. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2024/10/17/kamala-harris-goes-baier-hunting-00184120 https://www.axios.com/2024/10/17/kamala-harris-fox-news-interview-bret-baier