What a clownish line of questioning. What a deplorable state our country is in, when grown adults think that is acceptable journalism.
Poor Kamala Harris. If there’s one thing she’s better at than saying absolutely nothing in as many words as possible, it’s playing the victim.
Ah, yes, the identity politics rises again. White men: 1. Cannot debate w a woman because they are talking over and dismissing them. 2. Cannot opine on crime because they’re racist by bringing up black on black crime statistics 3. Cannot speak on immigration because of their xenophobia. 4. are the root of every problem and the source of all that is wrong - because my college professor, Reddit and MSNBC told me so LOL - yes, ma’am And, yes, the emoji is dismissive- not of you but of your claim.
100%, and at least she did the interview in hostile territory. Trump’s pussy ass won’t do anything that isn’t softball questions or where they fact check him. Dude is an abject joke.
Here’s the thing, not every Trump supporter is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic xenophobe but EVERY ONE of them is okay with it. I know it and you know it. White men in this country think that they should always be the top dogs and go to the front of the line for everything and now that you’re getting some competition you’re all butthurt about it. I swear, white conservative men are the biggest babies on the planet. The fact that you can’t discern the difference between an interview (wasn’t a debate really unless you recognize that Baire was a stand in for chicken shit Trump) and Baier’s dismissive bullshit doesn’t reflect well on you.
Trumppublicans citing "media" when referring to a shill for the network that had to pay an almost $1 billion settlement for knowingly spreading outright lies is......adorable. Always remember, deplorables; you're following a lying liar, and you view "news" sources with a documented record of lying. IOW, you're not following the social norms of a constructive society. So don't be disturbed when you are accorded the appropriate amount of respect.
It’s remarkable. She has nuanced intelligent answers that did not ramble through “weaves”, and BB couldn’t keep up! It’s a master class on what a prosecutor does. She prosecuted DJT and BB was ill prepared. BB talked over her like a bully. BB was trying to debate her instead of Trump LOL. Disrespectful to talk over someone, let alone the VP and a Presidential candidate! She handled herself like I expect her to handle the male foreign leaders of our allies and advisories. She isn’t some wall-flower like the right wants to make her out to be. She destroyed him (Trump)!
Holy crap that was about the funniest thing I’ve ever read. Anyone who watched that last night and had your take is either delusional so far left they should just be laughed at. You pick.