I wonder how many fox viewers had no idea before tonight that Trump was responsible for squashing a bipartisan border bill. I’m betting quite a few.
Sorry but you and a lot of folks on this board do not come across as regular Fox News Special Report viewers. So how would you know how a Fox News Special Report watcher in the demographic she is appealing to, hint hint I’m in it as a non-Trump, Haley voter, felt about the interview?
You mean the bill so ridiculous that even six Democrats were against it, so it likely wouldn’t have passed anyway?
LOL every GOP member voted against it. Weird thing to do if they actually gave a shit about the border instead of just using it as a political tool.
Sorry but if she had bombed that interview you 1000% would have claimed it hurt her and it’s no longer “status quo.” But she did great so you didn’t. It’s ok. You don’t have to turn in your GOP card.
The big takeaway for me from this interview was that she knows she's in trouble in this election. If she were a few points ahead, she wouldn't have done this interview and shouldn't have done it anyway.
I bet those Democrats were against it for the same reasons I am: It was an incredibly Republican-friendly, nativist bill. They offered the Republicans a gift, and the GOP threw it away. I was over the moon when that happened.
If she bombed the interview, the race would have remained closed to the status quo. Harris was doing that interview to appeal to white men, some with degrees and some without, that watch Fox News but are Trump skeptical or planning not to vote. They were not planning to vote for her before the interview and that interview likely did not sway them. I doubt she lost any votes based off of it since the voters that were planning to vote for her did not see anything that would change their mind. The risk to Harris was having a really terrible answer that the Trump campaign could really use against her and I don't think I saw an very obvious one. Probably the closest one was the answer about Biden's mental state.
Well they are voting for a serial adulterer, racist, who was adjudicated guilty of sexual assault, and who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. As well as many other crimes. What should be said about people willing to vote someone like that for POTUS? They're pretty g*****n deplorable.
She loses a few thousand more votes with every interview she gives, which is why her campaign kept her hidden until they saw it slipping away. Her odds have fallen a little more every day she's since she began her "media tour." Keep talking Kamala.
Right. No sound bite to cling to and play on repeat. Meanwhile she effectively attacked Trump just like the Fox anchor admitted. She might not have swayed many voters to her side but she might have convinced a few to not vote against her and just stay home.
As one of those voters she was trying to convince, I did not see anything that really swayed me. Telling us what Trump is like is informing us that water is wet. We already know what Trump is like. The question is if Harris' policies plans are going to change things from what has been happening over the last four years. That is what the demographic she was targeting was looking for and I did not see anything that would sway them. I have the luxury of being a Republican voter in blue state so I do not have to worry about my vote for POTUS this time around and I can write in Mitch McDaniel. I've talked to a lot of folks like me in competitive states that do not have that luxury.
She did an amazing job with his mansplaining, interruptions, and power trip. He spent the entire time focusing on emotions and feelings. Very little (if any) substantive questions about policy and differentiating her vision from Trump. He lost credibility as a “serious journalist”.