DeSantis has refused to take calls from the Vice President regarding hurricane response issues for Florida. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis refused call from VP Kamala Harris about hurricane aid: Source It will be a great day for Florida when that punk is out of office.
Hopefully there's another explanation, but I imagine he doesn't want to get the treatment that Christie got for working with Obama ahead of the 2012 election.
DeSantis has spoken to Biden and the FEMA director. What in the hell is Kamala going to do now other than cackle on about some word salad nonsense? You guys like to rail on fake news and the likelihood of the right to follow fake news; you are doing the same here. DeSantis even praised Biden’s team during this storm and prior storms and the communication. This is just Harris grasping for attention.
Yeah, that's it. If your memory goes as far back as 30 days, the right's position was Biden was incompetent to do anything other than to take long naps. Now you have a highly educated woman (and I understand you people are intimidated by them) who happens to be the Vice President of the United States reaching out to the governor of the hurricane's main target about storm preparations and there is somehow something wrong with that. Sure, that makes perfect MAGA Land.
If I was a snowflake like many on your side the term “you people” would be so hurtful. She has no role in the response. Zero. She hasn’t had a role in any of the storms that have impacted Florida the past 3.5 years. Why all of the sudden is her presence necessary?
The fact that she's calling demonstrates that she has a role in the response. DeSantis's job is simple. Take the phone call, or call her back if he's unavailable at that moment. The petulant behavior and pathetic games do nothing for the people of this state. Continue to do your mental gymnastics to defend childish behavior.
Biden just praised DeSantis on the hurricane response and said he has his direct number lol. Just spatting in Kamala’s face.
DeSantis-Cantore 2028 Oops: Jim Cantore Inadvertently Sinks Kamala's 'Selfish' Ron DeSantis Narrative in Five Seconds Flat
Strong intelligent women reliably create odd, silly and unproductive responses from predictable quarters. TALLAHASSEE, Florida — Florida’s public universities are purging the list of general education courses they will offer next year to fall in line with a state law pushed for by Gov. Ron DeSantis targeting “woke ideologies” in higher education. These decisions, in many cases being driven by the university system’s Board of Governors, have the potential to affect faculty and thousands of students across the state. Hundreds of courses are slated to become electives after previously counting toward graduation requirements, which university professors and free speech advocates fear is just the first step toward those classes disappearing entirely. The state’s involvement in a curriculum process — which has historically been left to universities — is riling academics and students who oppose how officials are using new authority to weed out courses like Anthropology of Race & Ethnicity, Sociology of Gender, and Women in Literature. “This sort of state overreach could spell disaster for student and faculty retention, and the academic standing of Florida institutions,” said Katie Blankenship, who leads a state office for free speech advocacy group PEN America.
It doesn't sound like it, which is a shame. One of the things I loved about gen eds at UF was the variety available. I transferred to another university to finish my undergraduate degree, and it was so annoying to have to take "Writing 301" instead of something interesting that included a lot of writing. They are going to have to do some dramatic restructuring if they want to push everyone into boring gen ed classes. Not enough of those to go around. Another option is to do away with them completely, but looking back with age and wisdom, there is great value in those gen ed classes. Having a broad base of knowledge is a valuable asset. It makes everything we do more meaningful and makes us more useful to our communities and our country.
only the best of the best... Judge Appointed By Florida Gov. DeSantis Accused Of Abusing Contempt Power A Putnam County judge appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis last year is facing allegations of abusing her judicial authority. The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission has filed formal charges against Judge Anna Maria Gennusa, citing a pattern of improper use of contempt power. In one instance, Gennusa allegedly made inappropriate comments and acted illegally when she jailed a defendant and handcuffed the alleged victim for three hours before ultimately releasing the victim. Another charge involves holding a mother in contempt and sentencing her to 10 days in jail after an argument during a truancy hearing. The mother explained that her children's absences were due to the psychological trauma of their father murdering their grandfather, a tragedy one of the children witnessed. Gennusa reportedly dismissed these concerns, stating that they weren't a valid reason for missing school. The commission highlighted the seriousness of using direct criminal contempt and criticized Gennusa's "unwarranted and improper" use of this power. Despite acknowledging procedural errors, Gennusa attempted to excuse her actions by citing her lack of attendance at Florida Judicial College.
DeSantis is reportedly stealing from a fund meant to fight opioid abuse in Florida to bankroll his campaigning against Amendment 3. What a repugnant person.
I haven't researched it, but I remember people saying it would be unlawful to use tax payer dollars for this. If that's true, I thought the issue might be in federal court by now, though I haven't' heard of anything.
fdot can advertise against impaired driving without advertising against the legalization. since the ad doesn't mention the amendment, it is legal to spend the funds is what I have read. not sure about the abortion issue courts did slap down the order to stop the ads supporting it and desi cronies who wrote the letter may be personally liable for damages with no QI attached. see last post here. if the letter can be traced back to desi, he would also not have QI and be subject to damages is my limited understanding Florida is threatening to prosecute TV stations over an abortion rights ad. The FCC chief calls it ‘ | Page 6 | Swamp Gas Forums