so if China wants to take Taiwan or Russia wants to take Poland, not our problem? if N Korea nukes Seoul, oh well...? is that your plan?
You are blaming the cold war entirely on the USA? Are you shitting me? Why the hell would the US demilitarize? Who would benefit from that? And in addition to demilitarizing you want to dismantle our security apparatus and also our top research universities and also the US constitution... Serious question: have you taken your lithium recently?
You're completely and totally full of shit. See, unlike hack POSs like you, my opinion changes based on the circumstances. Some are just. Some are not. And I'm vocal either way. Also, hack, last time I or anyone with two brain cells checked, it was Russia who attacked Ukraine. I know, just a minor detail. You ARE a horrible American because all you do is run down America and it's volunteer military all while spewing, literally word-for-word, FSB propaganda. Too bad we can't bring back real Drawing and Quartering for the likes of you.
The exact opposite of that. Who fills the void? Do you think they have something better to offer? The CCP? Putin? Iran? Can you name me one civilization that would handle that kind of power better? Don't bother. You can't. So suck it up and grasp the reality that - however awful you think "we" are - the alternatives are probably if not definitely worse.
"Hardened" LOL. 10-to-1 odds in manpower and materials and here we are. . . . Wasn't this supposed to end in 2 weeks? What happened? Reality is this is ALL Putin's fault, not only for starting the war, but for failing so spectacularly. What a joke you and your boys are!
Ah, this is always the excuse isnt it. If we dont do it, someone else will. And we're the best, because at least our intentions are good. Such nonsense!
Because some things change, and a lot of others stay the same. In the case of Putin and the CCP: Power. Ego. . . and that's pretty much it. You could make the strategic argument for Taiwan, but that is, again, so 19th century. Otherwise, there is no good reason for the CCP to take Taiwan. NONE. They're a highly-functional democracy with a higher standard of living than the mainland. There is no good reason whatsoever for them to be forced to join the dysfunctional mainland and CCP.
Putin just woke up angry, the morning of February 21st 2022, and on that morning history began. FYI: when you’re dedicated to waging a war of attrition (the Russians refer to this as demilitarization) it takes awhile to chew through two-million troops armed by 50+ nations. Putin is playing 3D chess. Your warlords are playing checkers.
But it's also the truth. Don't worry though. You (and a lot of moaners overseas) will get your wish. But, in their case, it won't be what they want. There are a couple ways to look at this. Is the "American Empire" in decline? Or is America voluntarily getting out of the "Empire" game? Hint: It's the latter. And if you and the rest of the pie-in-the-sky crowd think that's a good thing for the rest of the world, you'd better think again. That said, a focus on N. America and our "Friends and Family" could be an absolute boon for us and our partners.
But those are just arms. 10-to-1 is 10-to-1. Face it. The Russians suck and this was a dumbass decision by Putin. No matter what happens, Russia comes out worse off. The population numbers are bleeding, millions of the best and brightest have fled the country, Sweden and Finland are NATO members and what's left of Ukraine will be connected at the hip to NATO. Again, so much winning it hurts! It's funny how on one hand, the Russians are so tough and unbeatable, but then you cry that other nations are sending them supplies. Supplies dude. Not men. F-ing supplies! Oh, and now I hear all those Turkish people in the south (who hate Russians) are starting to get froggy. . . Yeah, your boys are really kicking ass! Future looks SO bright!
So nothing to do with trying to insulate themselves from American economic/military dominance and hegemony, just egos and personality. Maybe if we just did regime change or fund some indefinite proxy wars to wreck their economies, it will all work out for us! We've done this for 80 years or so, how would you say its working? Our country is in fine shape after all!
Diarrheic tropes. You hate Russians so much it’s like you’re taking a poison pill and waiting for Russia to die. Tragically, for you - and I don’t know how you will ever overcome this - Russia is winning the War for the World.
3D chess? Sending people to die for their country against their will in a meat grinder doesn't take any keen intellect or grand strategy, just takes a commitment to brutality and will. No different here than our armchair generals gleefully saying we can inflict pain on them to gain some sort of advantage in the game of nations.
You don’t seem to have your finger on the Russian pulse. When the SMO was declared the Russian equivalent of 100 of our Congressmen (Duma) signed up to fight. It is rather the Kyiv regime which is press-ganging any male with a pulse and sending them to the frontlines with little training and a single clip of bullets. And war is sustained brutality ? Who knew ???
Dude they are tricking non-Russians online saying they have jobs for them and sending them to the front now. The idiots who volunteer first are just the first to die. Its just WWI with better guns.