THANKS but I know EXACTLY whats on the line. If Trump wins, well Ceasar just crossed the Rubicon. Personally, considering the Supreme Court is in his pocket, I expect a Trump victory will mean the end of free and fair elections, and the economy will be turned over to Oligarchs. Just consider why Elon Musk wants Trump to win so badly? US foreign policy and strategic goals we have operated under since 1945 around the world will be dismantled. Trump will withdraw from NATO and give Putin a free hand to overrun as much of Western Europe as he wants. The US will become a police state. Trump will hand pick his successors to the White House. Racism and Jim Crow will be the new standard. Christian Nationalists will take away all rights of Women, possibly womans right to vote, if you pay attention to their doctrine, and most certainly the public educational system. I would not want to be an immigrant, legal or not, in this country, gay, LGBTQ, or a person of color. Frankly I see blowback and investigations by authority types if one is a registered Democrat. Intellectuals, Secularists, and Academics will be hounded out of professions. Welcome to the Dark Ages.
You're all so mean about Mr Trump. I read his advisor, Steven Cheung backed him fully, using a letter which stated one year ago, his "physical exams were well within the normal range." And if anyone knows what to look for when it comes to normal physical exams results, I'm backing Stevie. Besides, I also read Kamala has hayfever. It's a miracle she can get out of bed each day without tripping over a peonie in agony. As Trump rightly truthed, it's dangerous situation for her and could stop her functioning all together. Go on, admit it, you guys are just pranking the rest of the world right now. The detachment from reality is not even funny at this point...
Bannon is being way too generous. Trump has caused more harm to the US than any other president and it’s not even close.
Dude trust me. Half the country is absolutely aghast that it’s even close. This is how you know we are a nation in decline.
Trump said: "They came because they thought the election was rigged." Why did they think that? Because he LIED to them, making up BS about a rigged election. And then he invited them to DC: "It's going to be wild!" Trump then says: "We didn't have guns." First, he included himself among the insurrectionists. Also, it has been proven that the insurrectionists did in fact have guns and he knew it. Here's Trump's answer to this question. Look at people's expressions as he responds. 18 тыс. просмотров · 820 реакций | Question: I am a Republican, but no longer registered. I was disturbed by January 6. People from your own administration don't support you. Your own Vice... | By The Resistance | Facebook
I'm scratching my head that some folk respond to your posts with "dislike". I just can't figure what. The truth? That you posted the truth? It's pur-plexing, pur-plexing, I say! I reckon Benton's on a quest in an alternate reality.
Some groups are a....little slower on the uptake....and need to have things repeated several times before they start to actually absorb the material.
Seriously. Does anyone doubt this will happen? If you think this will happen, then Trump is NOT FIT to receive your vote.
Of course they're going to try but they are coming from a major position of weakness since they don't already have the presidency like last time and just about all the swing states have Democratic governors and the Republicans in Georgia are not corrupt crooks.
I hope you're right. Think about it. You said: "Of course, they're going to try . . . . " When the hell did this become the norm??? When Trump showed up and bullied the former GOP into submission and election denial (with no proof whatsoever). The fact remains that, if anyone truly believes he would do this, he does NOT deserve their vote. This started out as one narcissistic, sociopathic crybaby SORE LOSER who can't handle LOSING. But it has metastasized into a coordinated, fascist attempt to take over our country and install America's first dictatorship.