Yet you defend him and MAGA Morons on every post. IDK, maybe we're just mirror images on that. I find her milquetoast as hell, but him (and especially his sycophant followers) completely idiotic and dangerous. Every stupid idea they have would set the country back decades or more. Even where they're generally right (America first) they're so stupid in their application as to make it pointless and moot.
Wouldn't have voted for DeSantis. Voted for him in 18 but he turned too far right especially on abortion and lost my vote. Haley I would've considered strongly to vote for.
But if we are being honest Biden should've resigned from office and had Harris take over and then do a real Dem Primary. OR Harris should've invoked the 25th amendment. Agree Biden should've bowed out last year but he was told by his camp he was fine(they lied to him).
I don't defend him. I usually just point out the hypocrisy from the left and I don't need to on the right because this board has about 100 posters already doing that compared to a few on the right. Just because i'm in the middle and can see the BS from both sides. Please feel free to point out where I'm defending him and maga morons. I'd love to see it.
Agreed, but it didn't work out that way and that's probably mostly or all on Biden and his ego. Sorry, but I don't think they're good enough to engineer something like what happened when Biden dropped out.
Harris is too far left of a candidate for most people in the middle(she was left of Bernie when in the Senate). Add that to her not doing well without a teleprompter and not being able to say how she will be different than biden is causing her problems. Trump has so many issues I don't even need to start the laundry list of issues that clown has. We made our own bed as a country with these choices the last 3 elections IMO.
She has NEVER been to the left of Bernie Sanders. NEVER!!! That was the Sander's team and the left's entire line of attack with Harris. Corporate. Hillary 2.0. That's a complete canard spun by MAGA, who being as dumb as they are, actually believe it. NEVER. EVER. At any time in her political life has Harris EVER been to the left of Sanders. NEVER!!
As a Brit, this absolutely creases me up. Your centre is much further right than most - When you say she's "far left" you should probably give someone in Scandinavia a call...
It was her voting record. Are you saying the reports of Harris's voting record are wrong? Why would GovTrak make that up in 2019? Sorry, doesn't pass the smell test to me. Webpage that rated Kamala Harris the 'most liberal' senator in 2019 suddenly disappears
Sorry dude, but I'm going to need a better source than official MAGA PR (aka FOX). Jesus, even the article is an absolute mess.
Really? Because Harris did support the following things in 2019: Banning Fracking Decriminalizing Border Crossings Electric Vehicle Mandate Medicare for all Mandatory Gun Buybacks Those are pretty far left policies. She was rated as the 2nd most liberal senator in 2019. Not sure why you think she's down the middle.
It was linking to a different website from a Fox article. Sorry the fact of the matter is she was extremely left in 2019. We retracted our single-year legislator report cards after warning about their unreliability -
Not really. But, whatever, it's semantics at this point. Honestly, dude, who can even afford to be "extremely left" anymore? It's like fracking. Yeah, she's changed her mind (or was just pandering to the left - her weakness in 2020 - in the first place) on fracking. Nobody outside of maybe AOC or someone is the safest of safe districts can afford to be anti-fracking anymore. That's like having a billion in gold in your backyard but not digging it up because you're worried about the grass. Like China policy, it's baked in now.
Here's where I land on this. Was she pandering to the left back then? Or is she pandering to the right now? I'm not naive enough to believe politicians don't say things to get elected, so I try to see what they were saying before they were elected. And all I have to go on is to believe what their voting record was. Harris was extremely left in 2019. I'm not voting for her but anyone to say she's a centrist or "down the middle" is either full of crap or believing talking points.
She was pandering to the left back then and her corporate ties were well documented - and used as attacks against her - in 2020. I know. I hated her and that was THE argument against her in the primary. So, yes, she was trying to shore up that weakness but failed to do so because the "far left" didn't trust her. Come on man. You're not stupid. This Communist Kamala stuff is laughable, especially if you bother to follow elections and don't just bleat out FOX/Tucker-provided talking points. And honestly, Hillary 2.0 is a pretty good line of attack. But, you know, MAGA gotta Moron!
Now, now. I didn't say "down the middle", did I? If you read it again, I said she's not "far left". I love the Medicare for all argument thing you guys have. You know the U.S. is the only developed country without a system of universal healthcare, right? Putting some form of societal safety net around health to address some that isn't "far left". Maybe that's why it all seems so 'radical'?
Did I say she's a communist? I'm going by her voting record as a Senator, and it was far left. Don't think that can be debated.