More evidence that republicans don't care about the will of the voters and just see us an inconvenience to override. DeSantis put out a report -- not claiming the Am-4 petition signatures were invalid -- but that the organizers collecting them didn't follow some rules. They claim 16% of the signatures shouldn't have been counted -- even though they are valid signatures of Florida voters. The organization denies the report and said they followed the letter of the law at every turn. This report is seen as the ground work to overturn the amendment should it pass. DeSantis administration report alleges ‘fraud’ in Florida abortion amendment (
Honestly doubt it passes anyway with the Florida requirement being 60% to pass an amendment. I'm a Conservative in Florida, and I will be voting against Amendment 4. It allows murder of the baby up until birth which to me is criminal. Of course the Amendment 4 activists only want to focus on it being about women's health, completely ignoring the other life involved in an abortion. With all that said, I would vote for abortion in Florida on one condition. If there was a provision for men to have a financial abortion. Then, for the first time in the history of this Country, both men and women would have abortion options. Women of course would still have control over whether the baby is born or aborted and Men would have control over if they want to financially support a child over the next 18 years. With abortion, a Woman can decide whether or not she is ready to be a mother. The Man, assuming he used a condom, should also be able to decide whether or not he is ready to a father. Without that condition, I don't vote for Amendment 4 or any other abortion amendment in Florida. And with Florida being majority Conservative, and a lot of those Conservatives being retirees who have no skin in the game, you need Conservatives like myself who are willing to cross the aisle on the issue. Whether you like it or not, you need my vote.
Even if true, which I doubt, them putting this out now is bullshit timing. They're gonna eff around and find out me thinks.
This strange argument, which I’ve seen before, pretty much proves that for some “pro-life” voters it really isn’t about life at all. They would be fine with “babies” being “murdered” if the father had no financial responsibility.
DeSantis and his clown posse have been doing all sorts of unethical and illegal shit to try and stop A4 from passing. You're right that they're unlikely to give up on trying to thwart the will of the voters if they lose the vote. We've all seen DeSantis wage war on democracy when his side loses.