Since he believes every dumb right wing conspiracy he's told, it would probably be fun for her to debunk them. The videos of his producer fact checking his BS on the show are hilarious.
I think a sit down with Rogan would go really well for her. Rogan is super open minded, sometimes to his detriment. I think they could have a very reasonable conversation.
Whey do you people keep saying he is suffering from mental decline that is affecting his ability to do the job?? He IS doing the job right now, and doing it well! Ya'll floor me with this crap.
Not behind, but wanting to reach out to every demographic she can. If white men are watching FOX, they will be able to see who she is and maybe sway some undecided.
You really think biden is cognitively all there? If so, we don't need to have any further conversations LOL.
Compared to Biden? Yes, he's significantly more there than Biden. Think you would agree if I put you on a lie detector. Plus, I'm not voting for trump, never have and never will. So using trump here doesn't score you any points. Simply, why did harris let biden be president when for at minimum he couldn't do the job for at least the past year. Harris had a chance to lock up a debate with trump and she declined because she was ahead in the polls at the time. Now that she is either tied or behind she wants the debate. Both sides play politics all day long. I see through it because I don't have dog in this fight. You do and are blinded by that.
If Harris does due an interview with Rogan, it proves that they are very worried about her numbers with men, particularly younger men.
Why isnt it just another opportunity to reach out to a voting block that isnt in her corner? Hillary was very laid back in the closing weeks. Harris is in your face. Plus there is barely any oxygen for attention with Trump being weird as F***.
Do you read about polling and watch political coverage that goes over polling? This is a consistent topic that is discussed. Trump has a significant lead over Harris when it comes to white men. Rogan's podcast is the most listened to podcast of that demographic by far.
You think Trump is doing a townhall at Fox News with women only because he is doing so well with suburban women? Both campaigns are clearly worried about their gender gap numbers and are trying to do something to narrow them in the last three weeks.
She will say something like although Biden no longer sounds as coherent as he did in the past I have no qualms about his ability to finish out his term. I think trump has serious issues with regard to his cognitive ability right now. It won’t get better over the next 4 years.
This post is simply not true. She was always ready to debate him. The ABC one was scheduled to air before the Fox one. Trump didn't want to all of a sudden do the ABC one. Trump eventually agreed to that one, but then decided no more debating after he bombed the first one. She is on record stating she was ready for another one. To say she at any time didn't want to debate is ridiculous. If you look at the transcript from the Biden / Trump debate you see where Biden answered every question. He had one shaky moment, but trumph didn't answer a single question. Look at trump's transcripts from his speeches. The man slurs words, forgets words so he replaces them or instantly switches to a totally different thought. He has called Nancy Pelosi Nikki Haley, not just once but several times. The obsession with the "late great Hannibal Lecture". Talking about how during the civil war the north blew up airfields. Now he says he uses "weaves" whatever that is. He is 78 and his dad had alzheimer's. The guy is not fit in any capacity and is nothing but a useful idiot for the Heritage Foundation and the radical religious zealots. If you aren't voting, you shouldn't try to debate about who is more suitable.
She is lagging behind for the white man's vote. This is part of their media push to get in front of as many undecided and anyone they are lagging behind on. It has nothing to do with fear, it's more of "let's double/triple our efforts down the stretch" It's smart. Trumph isn't getting any new voters, so he is just jazzing up his followers so they get out and vote. Did he just say to go to early voting and use mail in ballots??!!
That's just a different way to personally attack an opponent. All of a sudden, it's everyone's business to know your overall health. And you're right giving that Biden has been suffering from some mental decline for so long, it's rich that she should now concern herself with Trump's health.