This poop show was a town hall in a un-air conditioned warehouse. Some of his unhealthier fans started passing out and Trump made fun of them from the stage. After a brief delay to take them out on stretchers, he cut the rally short and just stood on stage for 30 minutes listening to music in a semi-catatonic state while the audience filed out. He is seriously not well and nothing but a Vance Trojan horse at this point.
And let's not forget his rally at Coachella. Donald Trump followers left stranded in desert after Coachella Rally
Last night was truly weird even by MAGA standards. I posted a series of videos from this in the “When will old man Trump pass the torch” thread. Maybe it will take this bizarre event for the sane washing to finally stop
And speaking of last night. Donald Trump 'OK with people fainting from heat at event: 'We lose weight'
Pretty telling that Kristi Noam had to tell him the rally was over and they were going to play music. Then cancelling his CNBC interview? Trump is clearly having an issue.
I saw this all-over social media. He is not well. He hasnt made a salient point based in reality in months. Now he doesnt even try.
will fox cover it? that was truly bizarre, like he was high as a kite just vibing with his peeps and the tunes...39 minutes worth of djt thiel and musk licking their chops telling Vance what to do once djt is proven incompetent
Imagine if Harris had just danced on stage like a moron at one of her rallies for THIRTY NINE MINUTES. He is UNWELL
Galt's Gulch. Thiel sees himself as a modern-day John Galt and wants to destroy everything so he can realize his Rand fantasy. Hilarious how similar they are to their dreaded enemies, the Communists. Political fantasy masquerading as actual political/economic philosophy. And it's like that with everything. The Anti-Woke ninnies just as screechy and lame as the Woke ninnies with neither able to see - or acknowledge - the irony that they're literally the same person.
For sure. If you're committed enough to spend your time going to a political rally (for any candidate) you're not changing your vote. Especially a MAGA
"Lets all quietly listen to the songs I want to hear again before I die, and quietly contemplate our own mortality" Performance Artist Trump is my favorite Trump, I think.
Big is the answer. How big a problem is mental acuity for Trump? Donald Trump’s rallies and public appearances have never been resounding examples of coherence and policy know-how. But even by his standards, things have gone off the rails a lot recently. Perhaps most striking was a bizarre town hall Monday night in Pennsylvania where Trump, after two people in the crowd had brief medical emergencies, suddenly decided to forgo further questions. He then stood onstage for 39 minutes swaying and dancing while a series of songs played. The scene came as Trump’s increasingly rambling performances and failure to summon and pronounce words have highlighted questions about his age and mental acuity — the same issues that effectively ended President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign just three months ago. Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign quickly seized on the events Monday, quipping of Trump, “Hope he’s okay.” It has also pushed for the release of more Trump medical records.
LOL - The venue is about 3 blocks from where I work and was held in the OAKS, PA. Convention Center. Sadly I missed the event. I did see PLENTY of cops though when I left work at 5:00, they were shutting the roads down! Fortunately got out of there just in time. This is not a particularily big Convention Hall and is usually used for an assortment of arts and crafts events, dog/pet shows and of course gun shows. I was surprised he would hold a convention at a rather modest facility like this, but then I heard the Trump campaign would not have to pay for it, I guess his loyal MAGA traitor followers offered to pay for him. I understand his campaign owes big bucks STILL for the 2020 campaign, where he is welshing on paying up, never mind the current campaign.
It's beyond stunning that this idiot has such a big following. I guess partisanship and just plain greed rules. Sadly I just did a drive up to Wayne County, PA from King of Prussia for a "leafing / fall color" sojourn through the country side. It's amazing the disparity. Rural Folk, 90% trump signs. City folks, far more Harris. Suburbs, I would say 60% Harris / 40% Trump but it depends on the size of the city the suburbs are around. I think PA will be a very key battleground state this year. I'm kinda glad my vote will count in this important battleground state this cycle, as compared to living and voting in Texas or California where it's pretty much a done deal.