When are y'all gonna stop tossing around these lies. If you insist in using this term over and over please show us where he was ever convicted of rape.
Sure thing, buddy. Sorry that you can no longer maintain that you only rabidly support a serial adulterer who was adjudicated guilty of sexual assault. Dismissing the counterclaim, a judge in New York, Lewis A Kaplan, said that when Carroll repeated her allegation that Trump raped her, her words were “substantially true”. Kaplan also set out in detail why it may be said that Trump raped Carroll. Judge says E Jean Carroll allegation Trump raped her is ‘substantially true’ in court dismissal
The jury found that he forcibly penetrated her vagina with his fingers. And she maintained with his penis also. All against her will. And that's who you want to be President of the United States! You must be so proud.
Nah. Look it up on your own. Also, you are wholeheartedly supportive of a Presidential candidate who has been adjudicated in court of sexual assault......and you admittedly don't know anything about it?!! My God, man - don't you feel the slightest imperative as a voter to actually learn about these things? Or as a citizen or even just as an adult human being? Amazing!
“….on Saturday, deputies got a report of a man with an assault rifle who made a comment about possibly harming FEMA workers providing Hurricane disaster relief in the area of Lake Lure and Chimney Rock. Deputies say that Parsons was armed with a handgun and rifle at the time of his arrest.“ Man accused of threatening FEMA workers with assault rifle in western North Carolina
I have some friends that went there also (Asheville) said people were getting water and other supplies. Lots of the supplies are coming from individuals who are bringing it in daily. There was national guard most of them were volunteers he said (not being paid). He agreed that they're cleaning up pretty quickly (locals) and volunteers have come together along with fema. You can spin your bullshit comments all you want, if it was for American patriots pointing out the lack of help and supplies, they still would be struggling. That's a fact, something that you hate to hear. It's great that you're giving your time to help, that's what makes American special, coming together in times of need
Going to hit you with some critical thinking logic here that will probably break your brain-- Just because people volunteered to help rescue efforts doesn't mean that the government efforts were lacking. You might need a nap after you try to process that.
Jesus man, you have no business sullying one of the greatest movies of all time by associating it with your witless, humorless pablum. Nobody is upset about your constant personal attacks, but for the love of all things holy, at least occasionally be funny. Do better! (sport)
So essentially they didn’t have to evacuate staff. They made an unnecessary decision to do so based on an erroneous hazard.
They made the decision based on a national guard unit saying they came across 2 trucks of militia men saying they were “hunting FEMA workers”. It’s still not clear if that actually happened, and if it did, why the threat was dismissed after one arrest.
The initial report stated there was a truckload of militia that was involved. However, after further investigation, it was determined Parsons acted alone and there were no truckloads of militia going to Lake Lure," the statement said. ABC News
Well this guy was out there, so not sure i’d call it an “erroneous threat”. Not sure how the national guardsmen saw a “truckload of militia” if it was one guy (or if this individual was who they saw). But either way, let’s say it was an internet hoax despite there being an individual apprehended or a supposed national guard report. In today’s society you typically have to take threats seriously. Not unlike bomb threats or school shooting threats that are called in.