Harris bringing her message to Fox news on Wednesday. She is fearless. Kamala Harris Sets an Interview with a Not-So-Friendly Outlet: Fox News. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
This is going to be funny to see the left complaining about trump avoiding both a debate and going on MSM for interviews when the Right was complaining about the same thing 2 months ago. Both sides literally are full of crap. The partisan taking sides will never end. Trump should've done the rescheduled Fox debate and Harris should've committed to the original Fox debate. Harris avoided the press like the plague for a long time and trump can't avoid saying stupid crap. We are stuck with these 2 clowns. Can't wait for the "oh my candidate wants to do a hard hitting interview"... only when their side is perceived to be losing lol.
Silly move in my opinion. Fox Propaganda Network has to pay close to a $1 billion for lying for Trump. Why even go on there?
I am not sure what the upside his here. I feel people are pretty decided. Will anyone who watches her on Fox change their opinion? She has crafted a good campaign so far so maybe there is some kind of down the road benefit.
We are just over three weeks out from election day and everyone agrees that it is razor close in the swing states. For Harris to go on Fox News, it likely means the Harris team is seeing something in their polling that they think this interview might help them with, maybe some Haley/DeSantis voters in those swing states.
The upside is that one of Trump’s main talking points is that she is scared to go on stations like Fox because they won’t be nice to her. She won’t lose any voters by going on Fox, and she probably won’t win any, either. But she can at least stop the Trumpian talking point while emphasizing that she will be the American president, not the President of one party.
“Why dOeSn’T sHe dO mOrE iNtErViEwS!?!” Meanwhile, Trump is over here literally shitting himself during his outings.
Depends I think it’s a risk, she likely won’t get handled gently. She won’t have the questions a head of time. She often isn’t very good at cogent to the point answers. A few sound bites of her rambling or foot in mouth answers may push the few undecideds.
I hope he will ask her something like "Lately you have become very concerned about Trump's health and mental capacity and how that could affect his ability to do the job. At what point did you realize that President Biden was suffering from mental decline and it was affecting his ability to do the job?"
To which the proper answer would be "Clearly neither one of them is cognitively qualified to lead the country. Also, are they still eating the dogs?"
You have to be dumb as a rock to think that Harris was given the debate questions ahead of time. I’m not talking about you.
Just to clarify I didn’t mean to suggest she got them before the debate, unlike HRC. IMHO you shouldn’t need the questions, if your team is worth a damn they should be able to prep and have an excellent idea on what will be asked. It’s not rocket science really.
I tend to agree with you. Harris, going into the debate, knew exactly what Trump was going to do. He was going to lie about almost everything. He was going to say he was the greatest person on the face of the Earth since Jesus. He was going to say the nastiest things he could about Harris and a lot of other people. Knowing that, when Trump started talking about things like cats and dogs being eaten in Springfield, Ohio, her response should’ve simply been, in more diplomatic terms than I’m going to say, How can you vote for a lying sack of shit like the person I’m debating with.