It’s sad the misinformation and conspiracies getting traction in devastated areas. including false info disseminated by Trump and MTG to name a few. making it more difficult to help those in bad shape. “THE FACTS: Both hurricanes were natural phenomena. Humans do not have the technology to control such vast weather systems. Hurricanes are hitting many of the same areas they have for centuries.” “If meteorologists could stop hurricanes, we would stop hurricanes,” “Andrew Dessler, a climate scientist at Texas A&M University, said: “There is no mechanism to control a hurricane and no evidence that anyone was trying to modify it. This is just a crazy conspiracy theory.” “Biden approved major disaster declarations for Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia , Tennessee and Virginia, allowing survivors to access funds and resources to jumpstart their recovery immediately. Kemp confirmed on Sept. 30 that he spoke to Biden the night before and that the state was getting everything it needed.“ “No money is being diverted from disaster response needs. None. FEMA’s disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts," the memo said in response to those claims.“ FEMA set up a website to directly discuss the various conspiracies. Hurricane Rumor Response
Trump chose to repeatedly tell public lies about these disasters, and have his minions do the same, for hopeful political gain. That this is acceptable to so many people is astounding. Just another example of him selling out the people for personal gain.
Reminds me of how superstitious people were in the dark ages. You can't make this stuff up. We'll, some do....
He makes stuff up, and they believe him. Over and over. It is amazing. And as noted in the 'darker than a misinformation crisis,' they've already set up a belief system that any factchecking by anyone, no matter how legitimate and established, can simply be dismissed.
It is wild that people are even having to factcheck the lunatic statements. It is even more wild that when Republican governors and other Republican leaders factcheck the lunatic statements, the extremists turn on them as well.
This is Donald Trump's America, where Dear Leader's brownshirts threaten first responders during natural disasters. Antisemitism and Threats Directed at Officials Over Storm Response Some online posts have threatened violence against FEMA officials. A research group found that the X platform has been one of the main drivers of misinformation.
This is Donald Trump's America, where Dear Leader's brownshirts threaten first responders during natural disasters. Federal personnel are facing threats during hurricane response, DHS chief warns Workforce Federal personnel are facing threats during hurricane response, DHS chief warns As misinformation swirls, posters online have vowed to send militias and 'shoot' federal workers responding to recent disasters.
Many would welcome FEMA’s help…. “FEMA has advised all federal responders Rutherford County, NC, to stand down and evacuate the county immediately. “It’s terrible because a lot of these folks who need assistance are refusing it because they believe the stuff people are saying about FEMA and the government,” Duncan said. “And it’s sad because they are probably the ones who need the help the most.”
Can anyone explain why MAGAs claim to be hate “fake news” but eat up all the blatant lies Trump spews?
FEMA has distributed 2% of the over $20 billion in disaster relief funding Congress provided. They need to do their job and get this assistance to the people in need.
This is Trump's America, where the LIES and LUNATIC STATEMENTS come from Dear Leader Trump himself and all his spineless sycophants, including Rep. Mike Johnson. Trump is literally trying to destroy this country's hurricane relief response for his own political gain. (Don"t be surprised when he asks the poor people in the hardest hit communities to donate funds to him so he can battle FEMA first responders.)
Politics is a game to republicans. Ends justifies the means. That is why they do not care what is said about anything. The number of normies who are conservative could fit in a Dairy Queen.