Harris Asked What She'd Do Differently Than Biden: "Not A Thing Comes To Mind" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/v...tly_than_biden_not_a_thing_comes_to_mind.html
Person refuses to throw (current) Boss under the bus on live television. Shocker! I wouldn't say anything negative on TV about my boss either. Behind closed doors, would I do some things different? Yes I would.
Why not this? "Joe Biden has been an amazing public servant for his entire career and as an American I have been honored to serve alongside him during this administration. How quickly and what was done to both COVID pandemic and the Ukraine invasion as well as continuing to make the border secure are areas of great debate and in the Harris administration we would see some key differences." F/up question: "Okay, specifically, what are those differences?" "Unlike my opponent I am currently employed and actively working to better life for the American people. And, as such, I'm not going to mimic my opponent with outlandish claims, boldface lies and falsehoods that confuse and concern not only the American people but also world leaders..... Okay, I will say this: I would challenge DHS on what was done and could be done better to help the people in North Carolina and have them held accountable for both the good they've done and where they might have improved. Next question." The response above does not "throw the boss under the bus" and gives a tidbit of information (DHS/North Carolina) while positioning herself as active, involved and entirely different than her opponent. I came up with this in five minutes. Does the Harris campaign not have people who could help here?
So desperate to find controversy to pin on her where there is none. Now who is Trump talking with now outside the right wing ecosphere?
Why would she say anything now. She’s (as has the entire Democrat party) been lying for four years about Biden’s obviously impaired mental capacity.
It is not that hard a question to answer: "Thanks for the question, and hindsight is always 20-20. So looking back removing the Trump policies on the border should have been done more gradually so we could have corrected for the issues that arose with each policy change. Another example would be Afghanistan and again in hindsight we would have handled that a little differently."
Yeah there is alot more that the public doesnt know about. As a Govt employee, I have never seen a more disorganized executive since ive been in the govt. Bush, Obama and Trump were genius level compared to this admin. They are slow and reactive, thats normal for govt somewhat but its crickets from SES and above. Not surprised at the issues we are facing now.
Some might call that being measured and mindful. I'll take it with this administration's great track record of success.
Speaking for myself, I would never expect her to throw Biden under the bus. But frankly, to be afraid to offend a lame duck president who had to be forced out of his position by her own party, is a ridiculous notion. In fact, I reckon even her own people would have wanted to hear a coherent answer there enumerating a policy difference or two at the very least. She certainly didn't have any problems finding differences when she ran against him in 2019. What harm would it have done to mention one or two different takes or positions? She doesn't owe him much of anything at this point and what's more, she destroyed any notion she's going to be any different than he has been. That is not a good strategy when Biden's current approval rating is hovering around 40% and it's only up to 40% because he pulled out of the race. It was in the 30's before that. Add to that you can see her displeasure with the question in her facial expression for a split second right as it's asked. She obviously wasn't prepared to answer it, which is the main takeaway here. She must have missed it on the list of questions they gave her campaign before the appearance on the show.
I actually agree with you. But the reality of modern politics is she would NEVER do that. Nobody would in their right mind because the next narrative will be "in fighting" etc. Saw the exact same over here for years - frustrated the heck out of me - but in reality, saying something perceived as against him would be Grade A ammunition. If this had been Mr Trump, I'd have said the same thing. Was never going to happen.
Lol, sure. Believe whatever what you want. The reality is Biden has been absent because of his age. Kamala wasn't ready to assume this role, but the dem hands were tied. The agencies are in bad shape. Some of it is mass retirements and COVID, but a lot of it is lack of leadership. I can't discuss everything, but what is reported on the news is a tiny fraction of what's going on in the govt. It's bad... Worst I've seen it in 20+ years. You can bury your head but that's the reality. I don't think either candidate will fix it either. Expect more crisis'.
Really? Which candidate confused his primary opponent with the former Speaker of the House? Which candidate mentioned a fictional cannibal multiple times at his rallies? Which candidate thought that Barrack Obama was still the president even though Obama's last term ended in January 2017?
I love pointing out the hypocrisy of some on here. This takes the cake. I'm sure you were raising these issues when Biden has been doing it for the last 4 plus years...