This is why this election is so important. If Trump and his repulsive MAGA agenda is defeated, again, he will lose all influence over the party and the Republican leaders will find it safe again to return to Republican roots and crush the insanity. For rational people, if nothing else, a vote for Harris is one step closer to ending MAGA’s hold on the Republican Party.
Best case scenario, the GOP returns to being the party of Reagan to push conservatism and smaller government. Worse case scenario, Trump and likely Don Jr continue to have the GOP as subsidiary of the Trump family and the craziness of MTG, Bobert, etc continue. Most likely scenario: Part of the Trump populism gets absorbed into the rest of the party and politicians like Cotton and Rubio try to channel it into a building more secure supply chains for critical technologies and restocking the US armory for critical capabilities.
You left out an important point. I seem to remember him saying he would not run in ‘28 and he’s a man of his word after all. I do expect him to give his “full and complete endorsement” to don jr. If trump sr. loses and then jr finds a way to remain in public life we will know its a mortal lock.
We knew the Democrats were trying to use COVID to steal the election at least 2 months before election day. The Deep State/US oligarchs protect their interests all over the world with assassinations, AI produced algorhitms, psyops, information warfare and rigged elections. Why would anyone think they wouldn't do the same thing in our country?
He said that before 2020 also(that he wouldn’t run in 2024). The only thing certain about trump is his word is worth nothing. I expect the grift will run long after he is dead and buried.
From a cognitive perspective, he seems to be barely hanging on now. Can't see how the next four years are going to do him any favors.
haley would have gotten my vote over Biden or Harris. Haley actually talked about our nat’l debt, which no one talks about anymore.
I'm struggling to think of a political event where the left burned buildings, after being incited to do so. Maybe you can refresh our memories? Now that I think about it, though, I can think of one specific rapist felon who incited people to political violence.
I may be getting old when I was young the democrats were pro union and the republicans were pro business and personal choices were personal choices. Everyone knew racism was wrong but some people had to be forced to give up the institutionalized forms. I would vote and support whatever party was for smaller government and protected women’s rights.
It seems to me that IF he loses and if his health doesn't take a severe downturn, he would have financial and legal incentives to announce another run. Whether Republicans would actually nominate him yet again, I don't know. It seems crazy in the abstract but I don't discount the potential at this point given the control he has over the party.
Are you saying the George Floyd peaceful protests were not political or are you saying they didn't burn buildings?
Much of maga is generational and not a diverse group. Older, white and even male. Just a natural changing demographic will alter this group.
My hope is the GOP splinters. Really thought it might happen this time around, but Trump was able to get through the primaries. Next time, hopefully he won't, and if he doesn't, he will run under a new party... one he creates, and has a great super cool name. Like the Truth party.
Trump has RFK JR, Elon Musk, JD Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, Don Jr, Robert Barnes, Tulsi Gabbard and all the people they want to bring on board to do the heavy lifting. Won't be a surprise if Trump resigns after 18-24 months so he can play golf