I remember standing next to a Vol at the urinals in BHGS and as I started to head back to the game, he said “At the University of Tennessee, we are taught to wash our hands after going to the bathroom”. I replied “At Florida, we are taught to not pee on our hands”.
Phil Fulmer walked into the locker room and saw Peyton Manning come out of the showers. Phil was amazed at Peyton’s manhood, which was almost as big as his head. Phil asked Peyton how it got so big and Peyton responded “I beat it on the bedpost every night”. When Phil got home, his wife was in the shower and he suddenly got an idea. So Phil started beating his manhood on his bed post. Out of the bathroom, an excited voice shouted “Peyton darling, is that you?”
UT Mary and UT Bob Peters went to the town square: UT Mary to go to Piggly Wiggly, UT Bob to get em a hair cut. Mary Dropped Bob off at the barber. UT Mary finished first so went to pick up UT Bob. UT Mary opened the door but did not see UT Bob. UT Mary looked at the barber and asked: Bob Peters here? Barber responded: Naw lady, just haircuts and shaves............
Two guys are casually strolling down the sidewalk coming toward each other. One has a AUBURN sweatshirt on the other has a UT sweatshirt on. The UT guys says, "Hey what does AUBURN stand for." AUBURN guy says, "It stands for Alabama Usually Beats Us Red Necks, what does yours stand for?" UT guy looks down sheepishly and says "Us Too."
Well maybe not all. Vols I know put Bama up there with us, maybe even slightly ahead. They get Bama after the Gators.
Ah, the good life, growing up in Oneida. Although the next day, the Jenny Screamers took over. Every once in a while, I'll have one for old time sake.
Getting tired of the Tennessee love. I think our guys find a way to beat them. We’ve owned Tennessee so we will at least cover.
Wow! My best man brought a six pack of Gennessee to share before my wedding in upstate NY. That pic brought back a memory