Their "armor" is gone, and they're ready to talk? Nope. Let Israel do as they will, and rid us of a problem that existed since 1979.
Aren’t we the country who overthrew an elected Iranian government in the 50s or 60s and installed the assclown whose “leadership” was the genesis for the current situation in Iran?
You really should be reported to the Secret Service although they seem to agree with you. Utterly shameful.
What is Hezbollah now anyway? There is no leadership. It is nothing but what Iran decides it should be. There is no rift because there is literally no distinction.
Other than the leadership of one blown up while the.leadership of the other hides and does nothing.. It was interesting that the ayatollah was sent to a safe house or hardened Bunker. Would Israel really go after the atatollah?
For those of you old enough I had an "Ayatollah Assahola" T Shirt back in 1980. Wore it to middle school lol.
Here is an interesting article on Israel's options for dealing with this attack from Iran. Iran is described as being increasingly desperate after their main proxy, Hezbollah, was decapitated. I would like to see Iran's weapons factories targeted. That would help both Israel and Ukraine. My impression is that Iran's willingness to attack was probably emboldened by the fact that the U.S. president is in the process of vacating the office, and presidents typically do not "start" a war (or jump into one) before handing it over to another president. Biden has given no indication of wanting the U.S. to be involved in the dispute. The truth is, if you want peace in the region, Iran has to be defeated, and the sooner, the better. Iran is increasingly desperate, retired US general says
Trump thinks that Biden "has it wrong" and should urge Israel to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, even though military experts say that Israel may not be able to do much damage to the nuclear facilities (although the U.S. probably could). Trump is talking out of his ass, as usual. Probably still worried about "nuclear warming". Israel may launch ‘significant’ attack as Oct 7 massacre anniversary nears
Back in 84’ some arse whole riding his bike thru America’s Plaza shouting “DROP BOMBS NOT ACID” I guess this what he meant.
Iran has a new P.R. problem. A young woman was accosted by police for not wearing a hijab (face covering) in public. The police tore some of her clothes in the process of harassing her, and her response was to take the rest of her clothes off in protest and walk around in her underwear. The police then took her away in a police car, after bashing her head into a vehicle. There was no shortage of male students willing to take pictures to document the unfolding drama. Iran student strips in protest over strict hijab dress code
poor girl. I can't imagine what she has been through since. Looking for more follow up on this and if it creates another movement. sent to a psych ward is the official story.. The footage has been widely shared in Iran and the student has already become a powerful symbol of resistance, drawing nationwide attention under the hashtag: “Girl of Science and Research.” “If courage had a face,” one user posted on X with the girl’s picture. “That brave girl is my leader,” another user wrote. Amir Mahjoub, the director of public relations at the university, said that she was transferred to a “police station” and claimed that she is under “severe mental stress and suffering from psychological disorders”. The Farhikhtegan newspaper, affiliated with the university, also claimed, citing “official and unofficial sources” that the student has “severe psychological and mental issues”. The report added that, after being handed over to the police by university security staff, she has been hospitalised in a psychiatric facility.
Iran has found a new favorite outlet for its weapons with Hezbollah and Hamas on the skids. The Houthi terrorists in Yemen have become a high-priority recipient of Iran's weapons. Houthis growing stronger through new Iran supplies, warns Yemeni army
The Houthis will probably go the way of Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria with Iran losing its sole remaining ally. Houthis playing with fire: Yemen's aggression invites devastating retribution - editorial
things continue to heat up in Iran. religious madras using massive amounts of free electricity to mine bitcoin to fund extremist activities whiel the grid is collapsing and industrial production lagging $50 billion vanished into thin air: Unrest in Iran grows over economic turmoil Iran’s public discontent surged in recent weeks as economic hardships, including widespread power outages and rising inflation, fueled calls for change, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) researcher Benny Sabti told Maariv on Friday. Sabti began by describing the growing frustration among the Iranian population. "People are very angry with the regime for squandering funds, oil revenues, and resources on Syria, which fell alongside Hezbollah," he said. "The regime has poured $50 billion into Syria from 2000 until now, all of which vanished into thin air, along with funds sent to Lebanon and other places." According to Sabti, the Iranian public views this as "a regime failure." .......................... Sabti described worsening living conditions: "There are daily power outages lasting six to seven hours in Tehran and across the country, with even longer outages in remote areas. Water shortages follow the power cuts, and air pollution worsens because there isn’t enough clean gas to heat factories and homes. Instead, they burn ship fuel, which causes severe pollution until it’s stopped. The result is freezing temperatures and city shutdowns." He added: "On some days, people are forbidden to leave their homes—children, adults, government offices, and banks alike." ............... He added that many Iranians are willing to "endure a little longer" but are counting on international pressure and intervention to weaken and overthrow the regime. "They hope for Trump's return and believe he will enact significant changes. They admire Israel’s decisive actions and even call for strikes on Revolutionary Guard facilities that oppress them." Sabti concluded with a sobering assessment: "The events are converging—this is a decisive year." He added: "The regime talks about racing toward nuclear capabilities, but how will they achieve this?" He answered bluntly: "It’s suicide."