It's amazing to see the depths the Trump and his Deplorables will sink to. Spew and spam out fake bull**** about FEMA and immigrants, crapola about eating dogs, now this garbage. Is there any low they won't sink to? Sad thing is it very well might work. Scumbaggery and lies apparently works with roughly half of the populace.
Seems like a good time to remind readers about the massive drug abuse going on during Trumps term... paid for by tax payers. Every accusation is a confession with the Trump crew. Fentanyl? Really?
So you've started threads that accuse Harris of being both dumb and a coke head. Throw in some slut commentary and you can receive the highest MAGA badge for abjectness. You go, boy! You have my sympathy for your inability to handle your feelings. It must feel like a prison of your own making, born out of ignorance, hate and the influence of propaganda.