People not like Tina Peters often get nine rounds for that tantrum. Although “stand up like an adult” was def a little jab, the fact that she found it profoundly insulting tells you how big her bubble is.
Does anybody have a count of the number of people who have received signif jail time because they did Trump's bidding? Seriously, how many lackeys have gone to jail while he plays golf and visits golden toilets? I'm not excusing her behavior, I'm pointing out the ultimate injustice.
I would bet my life savings that she has at one point in her life said about someone who got roughed up or shot: "should have just cooperated with the police and that wouldn't have happened."
Here is the hearing. Tina starts her incredibly ill-advised presentation at 1:36:24. Note: The hearing is broken down into several videos.
@Gator515151 yo, you ok? I miss you explaining how 1 should genuflect to BIG GOV in these situations? Look forward to it.
Peters trial was delayed at least twice since the original trial date was set and twice postponed. Each time she had fired her attorneys and delays were granted so the new defense team could become acquainted with the case. The people of Mesa County celebrate the news. Tina Peters arrest shown on the video was in late winter, March or February of 2022. By this date she had divorced her now deceased terminally ill husband who died that past year or so. She had already attempted to steal their jointly owned home by filing a fraudulent quit claim deed in his name while he was in custodial care for a terminal illness. The attempt was exposed and failed. The Peters' Navy SEAL son Remington Peters was 27 years old when his parachute failed to open properly during a jumping exhibition that began with SEALs jumping out of a helicopter over the Hudson on the Sunday before Memorial Day, 2017. The SEALs costumes were equipped with special effects designed to light up or trail smoke during their descent. They were to land in a park on the New Jersey side of the Hudson. Peters hit the river. I've heard older residents who knew her for years before her voting machine tampering and ballot box failures, say she was sane, sensible, and trustworthy. She radically changed after his tragic death. His main 'chute failed to open properly and his reserve 'chute became entangled in the smoke trail apparatus attached to his leg or legs, and failed to open. A Navy spokesman said Peters had packed his own parachutes. _______ ______________________________________________________________________________________ "Tina Peters often begins interviews by saying she is a Gold Star mother, and that her son, a Navy Seal, died in 2017. Her Gold Star Mother status also often generates sympathetic headlines like this one from 'Creative Destruction Media' on November 17, 2021: Steve Bannon introduced Tina on his show by saying she was a Gold Star mother whose son gave his life “in defense of the country,” and Tina did nothing to stop Bannon or correct him. The truth is that while Peters’ son was in the military and did serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, he did not die in combat, nor did he die defending his country. His name does not appear in the National Gold Star Family Registry, hence Tina Peters is not a Gold Star Mother. Peters’ son, Remington Peters, was killed on Sunday, May 28, 2017, in a parachuting accident that occurred during an air show in New Jersey on Memorial Day weekend. He was part of the Navy Seal Leap Frogs team that was giving a parachuting demonstration for people gathered to see the air show. While the military ruled Remington’s death was in the line of duty, he did not die in combat, nor did he die “defending his country.” Under the law, to be in the Gold Star Registry a deceased soldier must have been “engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States,” “engaged in military operations involving with an opposing foreign force,” “be part of a military force on foreign soil as part of a peacekeeping force,” or fulfill other criteria defined by an Act of Congress.
So is he saying that if she was a druggy or alcoholic he would have considered giving her less jail time? Not saying she should not have been found guilty as I have not really followed the case but the judge sounds like a real POS to me also.
No. He answered her request for extenuating circumstances be considered. He said he grants some consideration for people whose decision-making process may be impaired by mental health or even drugs but that she made the clear decisions she made out of the desire to fulfill her own ambition.
Focus on the crime please, we know you conservatives are all about the law.* Now aren't you really angry that this mother of a veteran was lied to so thoroughly that she broke the law? Who DID that? Who lied to her? Or are you just going to pretend that lying didn't happen, because your rapist felon is Boss Man Number One? Is there nothing he could do that you would consider too.....deplorable? *
You quoted my post but then by your response it seems you didn't even read it. I have no idea what you are even talking about.
At least drug addiction or alcoholism might have offered an explanation, not an excuse, for her lawless behavior. and total lack of remorse. She had no explanation, she's just a bad person.