Im sure most people would prefer to hop on down to their local store and buy their weed. I know I will when we finally get retail stores in VA. So it doesn’t cut into tax revenues THAT much. I’m just saying with minimal effort and expense one can grow their own decent weed. That’s just not the case with beer and to an even lesser extent wine & spirits.
BTW Publix finally had Boar's Head ham back in the deli this morning. The wife got home from shopping a little while ago and the first thing she did was fix me a ham and cheese for lunch.....Reckon she is trying to get rid of me?
Home grow would have been nice but I never expected Florida to let it happen. I happily voted yes on 3 yesterday (by mail).
It's regulated in Florida where it's legal to purchase with a card. Those are the prices I was referring to. Is this a West Coast tax issue?
I have said for years you should be able to go to CVS (used to be Eckerds for you old timers) and buy a pack of Marlboro Golds. Regulated and taxed just like my Bud Light! My cousin gave me a couple of puffs off of a home grown last summer and I physically could not get off the couch. I'd like to know the concentration level just like I know I cannot chug 151 proof alcohol.
No. It’s a competition issue. Street weed is cheaper than legal weed. And with medical marijuana, there is a more limited demand and a limited ability to sell (because you just medically qualify), which stresses the ability to profit. It’s why TrueLeaf is investing so heavily to make it legal—it needs more demand so that the costs are better marginalized.
Not unless you said something like, “Woman, you better have ham in that bag and I need a sammich now!”.
For flower, it typically ranges from 15-30% THC (marked on the container). The concentrates, though, can go as high as 99% THC. Ironically (or fitting given the stupidity of politicians), you are limited on the former, but can buy as much of the latter as you want. Only dumbass politicians can give you dumbass policy like that. That's like limiting cocaine but throwing the barn doors open for crack.
Again, guilty as charged. Why settle for one selection when you can have several. Some of this, some of that, etc. rather than 1/2 Oz of whatever "your boy" has that day. And it's cheaper AND I earn rewards points.
A little off topic but this is about pharmacy companies screwing us. I had an appointment with my cardiologist this morning. She read off my list of medications and I told her I am not taking Farxiga anymore. She wanted to know why. I told her when my medicare advantage plan reached what they call the doughnut hole my Farxiga jumped from $20 per month to $160 per month. I told her it's not that I can't afford it, it's that I refuse to be taken. She said we may be able to do something about that. I just got a call from United Healthcare. They said they arranged for me to get my Farxiga for $0 per month. It is amazing that by being a cheap bastard and refusing to pay what they were asking I got it for nothing.
I’m primarily voting yes because the whole ‘medical mj’ has always been a joke. Let’s get rid of this ruse once and for all. People just want get high and not be harassed about it.
If CA is the comp, medical lays the foundation for full legal. When CA went full legal, the response was a collective yawn. I visited a shop in Berkeley a few months later, on a Saturday afternoon in June, and we were the only people in there.
My guess is that it still exists so that insurance or whatever can cover it or pay for it if you got a really quality plan.