where one of our 2 major political parties believes that they can't compete for voters without the right to lie with impunity to them. First, Trump pulls out of a dual ticket leading interview with 60 Minutes over real time fact checking. Then we have this: The GOP has lowered the bar so far that it requires a shovel to locate it.
The same theme that dates back to Trump's first presidential campaign: alternative facts. It is nearly impossible to have an intelligent conversation when you can't even agree on the facts. Daring to correct them and the " censorship" card comes out. Opinions are opinions, but spewing bullshit is an entirely different matter. Pervasive, consistent, and very intentional for nearly a decade for them. Right out of the Putin playbook.
To me it's even worse that he whined like a little baby that they "weren't supposed to fact check" because the large majority of people probably didn't know that and would have just let it go. But now he has amplified that he was lying and was totally fact checked because of it. A stupid move.
Their constant lying is astounding. As is its acceptance by grown adults. But there's a small burden on the rest of us too; we need to do what Trumppublicans have made clear they will not - tell them that the lying won't be tolerated. These people will sit and watch their felon lie and nod their heads and chuckle. They'll look at lies posted on this forum and won't care. They'll claim to oppose the lying rapist felon, but will vote for OTHER members of the political organization that defends and tolerates the criminality and lying. So the rest of us have to make clear that the lying is not tolerable.* * (In proper situations, such as on a voluntary message board. Or a voluntarily engaged conversation.)
When they say "illegal" they don't mean without proper legal documentation and permission. They mean it as a slur. Melania appears to have been illegally working in the US at one time. But they don't use the term for her but rather legally authorized Haitians.
Facts lol like I grew up a poor black child. I worked at McDonalds. Seems to me if fact checking is to be done it needs to be done equally with both sides.
Y'all know if Trump had said he once worked at McDonalds the fact checkers would immediately have called it "Pants on fire"......Last I saw the fact checkers were still saying about Kamala's McDonalds lie, "We have neither been able to verify or disprove this at this time". LOL see the double standard?
What's false is the narrative among the gullible right that Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's. No, McDonald's didn't say 'no record' Harris worked there | Fact check
Seriously? What do you want them to say if they aren’t able to verify or disprove something? What exactly should they say?
Oh, please. Look at the lying liar you support. He even admits that he is lying. But you want to moan about KH's summer job? If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do,” the Ohio senator said. https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/15/politics/vance-immigrants-pets-springfield-ohio-cnntv/index.html
Politicians of both parties lie. The difference is that candidates/officeholders of one party lie much more than politicians of the other party and the politician with greatest propensity for lying is heading of the ticket of said party and other politicians of said party do not have the balls to call out their Dear Leader for his lies.
Does Harris have him running scared? No debates and now no interview. I am puzzled because I thought that Harris is hiding from interviews. Right? In fact, it is trump and his advisors who are keen to keep the old man from scrutiny. After all the accusations of Biden staying in comfortable settings it is Trump running from conflict. Maybe that is for the best. But how is Trump to face down his boss Putin if he can't face Madame Harris? Trump backs out of "60 Minutes" election special; Kamala Harris to be interviewed Vice President Kamala Harris will be featured by "60 Minutes" on Monday, Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Former President Donald Trump has declined to participate, despite previously communicating otherwise. "For over half a century, '60 Minutes' has invited the Democratic and Republican tickets to appear on our broadcast as Americans head to the polls," "60 Minutes" said in a statement. "This year, both the Harris and Trump campaigns agreed to sit down with 60 Minutes. Vice President Harris will speak with correspondent Bill Whitaker. After initially accepting 60 Minutes' request for an interview with Scott Pelley, former President Trump's campaign has decided not to participate. Pelley will address this Monday evening. Our election special will broadcast the Harris interview on Monday as planned. Our original invitation to former President Donald Trump to be interviewed on 60 Minutes stands."
Not that I want people to lie brazenly, but on the same token 'fact checking' is kinda stupid and futile, and we should end our obsession with it. I'm not sure what you should or can do with people who will make up things other than simply be willing to call people liars or punish them legally when they break actual laws. You aren't going to find some truth judge to fix politics. I think there were fact checks of the claim that illegal immigration is fueling housing costs and was rated "partially true" because there are so many variables in the market driving costs. So what was the point of that? If someone said black people are making costs high, that would be "partially true" under the same category because black people might be contributing to supply and demand.
Quoting a Fox News reporter. Tell me how much they had to pay again for lying about the 2020 election?
More confession by projection Trump has said he'll appear on 60 minutes after they issue him an apology for saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation Trump said the laptop belonged to Hunter. I forget but it's possible 60 minutes accused Trump of spreading Russian disinformation.. The dispute was between Trump and Lesley Stahl