Testimonial from a Christian woman who was bullied as a girl for her Christian faith and how Tim Walz stood up for her and made her feel ok about her outward faith. Sounds like a real genuine guy.
It’s a big deal to step in and stop bullying. It has a profound impact on both the bully/bullied. And yeah I get it’s an ad but a good message regardless. conversely, trump has a long history of using his power, notoriety and vast influence to bully many different types of people in the most hateful way he can think of.
Walz did drop into the debate tonight that he attends Roman Catholic Christmas midnight services. I listened to a recent podcast by Christian philosopher William Lane Craig, where he discusses a blog written in 2020 by JD Vance that describes his spiritual journey. Craig was quite impressed with Vance’s philosophical sophistication. I’m sure this won’t fit into some people’s narrative regarding Vance, but if anyone is interested in listening here is the link (the podcast title is “JD Vance and the philosophy of religion;” for some reason, inserting the link gives a different title but the link takes you to the correct podcast): Atheism vs. Christianity: Which Way Does the Evidence Point? | Reasonable Faith If you want to read the entire blog from Vance, here is the link: How I Joined the Resistance
True. Winters in MN suck. Thanks Walz! Side note: Economy, schools, quality of life, parks/rec, support for local businesses and many other factors are quite good.
A brother and sister I went to high school with in Florida both live in the Twin Cities area. They love it there. The brother said what he likes the most is that because the winters are deadly, people are quick to stop and help someone in distress. I also have a work friend who is in Minneapolis. She also loves it there, especially if summer comes on a weekend.
Hard to understand this comment. You mean Walz was a teacher because he's selfish? A jerk? What DO you mean? Weird.
Authentic in his faith is pretty straightforward. I’m sure you are upset this morning after watching that last night so I understand.
The man is authentic as they come with his policy that the state of Minnesota should allow the legal killing of the most innocent for convenience.
I’m sorry, but I find it theologically offensive for someone with his platform to make up a horrific story of Haitians eating people’s pets, which caused that marginalized group to be terrorized by people who took him at his word. There is no excuse whatsoever, and there is no amount of “faith” that excuses such reprehensible irresponsibility.
I would not want to be a part of any faith JD Vance purports to be in. Do you really think what he says as well of his actions is in congruence with the teachings of Christ?
Kinda on topic, but this is exactly he type of Christianity I fear https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/02/magazine/texas-politics-billionaire-preachers.html these 2 oilmen/ billionaires/preachers want to turn TX into a theocracy and basically run the TX Republican Party.
Anyone with at least minimal skills in reading comprehension. I'm very sorry you're having such difficulty.
Comprehension isn’t an issue. Trying to logically analyze your emotional (angry, narrow minded, condescending, etc) rants is an issue though.