The way I know that you didn't read: they did no such thing. In fact, they had them in literally separate sections of the article. The later photo states that it was not taken by the same person, was from a second later, and even pointed out one person that they suspect in the photo that took the initial video. As such, it is obvious that you didn't read the source. I can see why reading the article would be harder than posting over and over about an article that you didn't read.
You are lying. I posted an article from Snopes that showed a screenshot from the original source and another version that was higher resolution. They then posted a third photo from the Walz people from one second later at a different angle, clearly described and labeled. You didn't read it, but you are lying about it. Good luck.
Very cool. Not sure why I commented to someone who, given that abortions will happen anyways, but more dangerously if illegal....and women will die.....actually supports more death, while claiming to be pro-life. Real pro-life people, who are also pro-women's rights, shouldn't respond to you anti-life people.
No, I'm pretty sure DJT has never sped through a city (going 41 mph over the limit) while intoxicated and then blamed it on the cop who had the unfortunate task of detaining him.
lol You just compared your newborn accidentally using the middle finger to an adult using it. In the instance of an adult raising the hand and pointing the finger upward there isn’t any doubt about the intent. And yeah I know Walz didn’t in this case.
There is a reason you have not acknowledged the post on page one with the photo that has nothing to do with the video…has nothing to do with the video. Because you want people to be ignorant. And you are a smart person. You know exactly the purpose of that photo in the article. And it fit your agenda and worked. I have seen your MO for decades now…
Best part about this post is you got a winner from @Gator40 who put informative on the photo posted on page one all by itself that has nothing to do with the video!
Weird how, as you shill for anything supportive of Trumppublicans, you cling to the intent of.......something that didn't happen. Mot people would be more disturbed by the original posting of an obvious lie.
Where did I cling to “the intent of something that didn’t happen”? I flat out said that’s not what happened. The other poster came up with some cockamamie analogy about how would we know intent if a middle finger was raised by someone and used the example of his newborn with a raised middle finger as an example of such a thing happening. Sadly for you being objective is an issue unless you are on the I hate Pubs train. The fact is although Walz didn’t flip anyone off, some of the video is grainy and a screenshot makes it appear that he did. Other clearer photos show he didn’t.
No, the reason that I haven't done that is I don't like to lie, unlike you. It occurred one second after the initial video. It was a picture taken from his campaign. One second later. Which you would know if you had read the article instead of digging in on lying. Please stop lying (even though we both know that you won't) and describe what happened. A video was taken. In that video, you can see him pointing at a person. A lower quality version of that video was posted to social media with a false caption. Then, one second later, he pointed at another person. Those are the facts. Now, you may continue to lie.
And resigned his coaching position and would have stopped teaching except he owned his actions and turned it into a teaching moment for the children he mentored. When Trump admits he’s a rapist and convicted felon get back to me.
But what's funnier is nothing they or you have shown show him giving the middle finger. Keep beating your head against the wall. It's more entertaining than your lies.
Your posts are NUTS!!! As if a politician would give the finger to thousands of fans (potential voters).
Not defending Walz but his speeding/DUI wasn't through a city, it was on a road near a small town in rural Nebraska. There is a difference. Walz's 1995 DUI arrest is also as relevant as George W. Bush's 1974 DUI arrest was to his qualifications for the presidency when he ran in 2000.
On that note, what’s your comment on those who wanted to murder innocent Haitians because your hero lied about them eating dogs and cats?
Trumppublicans appear to have absolutely zero concern for those people, but who's to say why. It could be because they're out of the womb, non-white, Ohio State fans, from the foreign nation of Hatia.........who knows. Will be interested to find out.