If the rescue mission succeeds, he's a hero and Reagan probably doesn't win in 1980. Not sure how we could have handled the Olympics better. Plus, if not for that, we don't get 1984 and a year of free McDonalds due to the worst (for the company) giveaway campaign in human history. If you had any track or swimming event on your card, you basically got a free meal (rewards for US medal winners) and the workers would just give out stacks of the cards. Also, it should be noted that Carter was one of the first to address the deficit, something he and Tip had some disagreements about.
Happy Birthday to a man that lived his private life even better than his public one. That is almost unheard of today. My organization and thousands in it, owe him a huge debt of gratitude. I disagreed with his politics. But genuinely love him as a human being.
even his massive deregulation? in 1976 the US economy was considered a mixed mixed economy. in 1980 it was considered a mkt economy.
I certainly dont disagree with every position. He is likely more conservative than most conservatives running today. I was more just drawing the line that one can disagree politically with someone and still view them in high esteem. I have mentioned having the honor of being in his presence. (It was on my birthday ironically). I count it as incredible honor that I will cherish always. Amazing, honest, humble, others first, worked until he couldnt...