MSN Biden has said he will not intervene. The strike has the potential to shut down a lot of shipping on the east coast and the gulf. That could drive prices higher and cause shortages on some items. Could it have an impact on the election?
Wont be felt right away and the west coast is open. Could hurt GDP and Holiday sales though if it lingers.
Could the east coast port strike affect the election? Only if the Dems are expecting a shipment of ballots...
Smart. Negotiate now instead of after the 100% tariffs. Uniparty GDP curtailment policy. Tariff Tracker: Tracking the Economic Impact of Tariffs
King of spewing out laughable fake narratives that are only believed by ignorami who are seeking a king? Sweet.
It could draw attention to the difference in Union Support if Trump comes out saying his usual sqewage of anti-labor comments. Dems have been losing labor's support, but a good ol' strike where one guy says he supports unions, and another guy is on record saying how he "loved how all the strikers got fired" might help firm up union support for the dems.
Sorry. I get a little ticked off at Trumppublicans' constantly trying to turn their lie about fake election fraud into some kind of truth that is accepted. It's important to call out lies like this every time they happen. Otherwise people will start actually believing in a fact-less alternative reality Bizarro World.
Our China tariffs are as much if not exclusively about geopolitics not economics. I know you guys love to push your "free trade" narrative, but free trade with Nazis isn't the kind of "free trade" most are envisioning. And, trust me, this is all about geopolitics for the CCP, which is why they massively subsidize industries like electric cars, rare earth's, etc.
This is going to turn into a very major story. I couldn't tell you if it'll affect the election but don't think people realize how big this will be if it lingers
But they'll just retreat to their bubble of ignorance (MAGA Moron World) and reaffirm their stupid views. "Calling them out" just empowers them, to be honest. Play their game (8th Grade insult contest) and bury them at it. Be mean. Be hurtful. Pick their scabs. That's what they understand. Hopefully you can provoke them into doing something really stupid and harmful to themselves. Sorry, but that's where we're at at this point. Embrace it. Lean in!!!
People with brains have been following this for over a week now. Mainstream media - and their lemmings - just catching on.
I do, and that was the most unfunny thing I'll read today, if not this week. Inside baseball political humor: So hillarious!